old enough to be your mom
I searched and can't find this information, but does the stretch goal change at some point? I don't know if this is something that if I don't complete it will stay where it is at forever, or if at some point the stretch goal changes?
Right now I am stuck on the craft reissues and with the cost in supplies I can tell you that I don't see myself ever finishing the stretch goals. I crafted a few bell only things but everything else I would want costs essences, tons of bells, and supplies that I wouldn't waste just to complete this goal to move forward on it.
Right now I am stuck on the craft reissues and with the cost in supplies I can tell you that I don't see myself ever finishing the stretch goals. I crafted a few bell only things but everything else I would want costs essences, tons of bells, and supplies that I wouldn't waste just to complete this goal to move forward on it.