Buying Striped Shorts!

Dodo Code

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❄️ Snowy Lesbian!! ❄️
May 17, 2014
Pink Love Letter
Fair Pinwheel
Blue Train Engine
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Mom's Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
100% (126) +

The striped shorts are so cute but I only own one pair. I have the pair with the pink belt and I’m looking for every other variation!

I can pay in TBT, in game bells, or NMT! I also have Leif visiting if you’d like to come buy things from him 🥰
No problem at all! I’ll be free starting in 14 hours so I’ll keep checking throughout the day for you.

I’m not really sure when 14 hours has passed but I wanted to let you know I’m available to trade whenever you are 🥰
Thank you for your patience! Your island please!

Thank you for giving me the shorts! My island is open now (I’m replanting my bushes atm please ignore that!!) and I think you should be able to see the dodo code at the top of the thread?

I’ll send the TBT! It’s 6TBT right?
Thank you for giving me the shorts! My island is open now (I’m replanting my bushes atm please ignore that!!) and I think you should be able to see the dodo code at the top of the thread?

I’ll send the TBT! It’s 6TBT right?
Yes, 6 tbt! And on my way!