• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Probably abandoned

Island/Town Name
Apr 24, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Rotating Fool's Egg
Red Envelope
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Nook's Fancy Turnip
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Festive Bell
Tin Robot
Tricolored Puppy Plush
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
It was warm, very warm, but despite that, I didn't feel a single cover on me.

I awoke, though it took me quite a while as something felt very, very off. I barely felt like I was me, feeling as if I was stuck in a small box. But that's normal, isn't it? Sleeping for a few millennia probably does that to you... Probably.

Pancakes. ON my floor. A hallucination, I thought. Pancakes, on my floor, seen from the corner of my eye. I quickly got out of bed, the lights automatically turning on for unknown reasons.
No, no no, not PANCAKES ON MY FLOOR. Pancakes, on my STARFISH, mystical sea themed floor. Look, I wasn't against the floor, the floor looked quite nice, but this is NOT MY FLOOR. I don't even like pancakes, so I'm standing there, eyes wide open... With pancakes on the floor, and myself feeling lighter, with less control over my body than usual. I glanced down. Pink shoes, pink socks, and a dress so frilly I'd have thought it belonged to a doll. Everything on me, including "my" hair was... Wet. In fact, the entire floor was wet, smelling of saltwater. There was something under the dress I had on, an identical dress, though torn.

This is absolutely not how you should be going to sleep. I wasn't quite a fan of pink, but this obviously would not do. Spying a mirror nearby, I looked into it, seeing what else I needed to fix.

....Then it hit me, slowly. Who's body did I STEAL, and why? Was mine stolen?? Who do I need to hit over the head??? WHO IS DOING THIS TO ME??? I need to get out of here-

But first, this hair is bothering me. Has this girl ever heard of a comb? If I have to fight someone over this, I'd rather not look like I just crawled out of a mermaid's trash bin. I fixed this girl's pink, human hair, a collection of words I never thought I'd say, considering I thought humans weren't real.

But, I guess some people say that about Dragons.

[An Island journal in which a dragon wakes up as an incredibly rich, Animal Crossing: New Horizons villager, and tries to go home. Let me know if this is against the rules 😭]
Once I'd combed through her extremely matted hair (likely considered a biohazard, and I would've chopped it off if I wasn't a fraction as nice as I am)...

But, and I won't lie to you, also because I couldn't find anything to cut it with. I put this hairpiece on her that seemed to match her clothes.


Now that looks nice, doesn't it? I couldn't find a towel in that mess of a house, but whoever has been selling this girl her collection of hair products- (all so difficult to use that I had to read the instructions over and over again) is making a fortune and a half on her.

Then, I realized I was stupid. Though my continued attacks on her hair had managed to dry it out and get it looking decent, her clothes were still completely soaked. The other dress being underneath it gave it a strange shape, but I found nothing to wear in that room. I headed downstairs, and on the staircase, I was greeted by a coat. Now that is something I would wear, but would this girl wear it? Probably not. I placed it... In my pocket? Wait, what else are in these pockets?

...Lovely. As I dug through these pockets of insane depth, the only thing that came out was a heavy pump of water, flooding the bottom floor of her house.

That's that for the coat, I thought. But I took it out and it was dry, unlike...

The bottom floor, full of... Tickets? I've never seen tickets such as these in my life... And in such a high capacity, these must not be worth anything. What a strange human. Do they usually hoard tickets like these? If this is the "dragon gold hoard" human equivalent, I was definitely born in the right universe, but now I have to get back there. I decided I'd seen enough. The coat was thick, made of a material that looks like it wouldn't get wet quite easily. I quickly changed into it and dropped the other clothes on the ground, seeing nowhere else to place them to dry. There is no time to look at the other rooms, for I must get out of here as quick as I can. Opening the front door, my- her ears, were completely obliterated in a single moment.

"Ba bum, ba bum, ba bum, ba bum, ba bum, ba bum, ba bum, ba bum, ba bum, ba bum, ba bum, ba bum, BA BUM, BA BUM, BA BUM, BA BUM, BA BUM, BA BUM."

Came from a strange, wooden box, with a circle that glowed blue.

Simply from instinct, because the only thing that would glow blue is something imbued with magic, I punched it.


Shaking my fist from the pain, and coming to the incredibly obvious realization that I wasn't very strong anymore, I inspected the box once more. Don't tell a single soul, but it hurt so much it started raining from my eyes...

I think I once heard a story about someone opening a box and releasing evil into the world, but that's just part of a story-

Right, and so were humans...

I stared at the possibly-evil box, for a few minutes more. This strange box was directly attached to my house... And, noticing another house in the distance had a similar box, I opened mine, closing my eyes and crouching somewhat far away, in case it exploded.

Nothing. The noise stopped.

I looked inside. Parchment? It had some sort of seal on it, and upon shaking it... Had more paper inside?

I found another one, with a seal depicting a picture of a house. That one, I opened.

What a meaningless letter. "lol"...? Is that an i or an L? What exactly are these points? Maybe she should've shared the pancakes with these people- but to send a letter with such little effort, maybe they don't deserve pancakes.

Hmm... Even as upset as I am about the letter being poorly written, I can call the girl something now. "Ana", she seems to be named, also according to another piece of wood attached to the house with the name. I think Ana needs to fight this Happy Home Academy.

I put the letter into my pocket, and wondered again, what I should do, aside from find out who works at this Happy Home Academy if I happen to have the spare time.

"Ana!!! Ana!!!!!!!! Hi, snack buddy!" Someone called out for Ana, and it was then that I realized something for the millionth time- that a disguise would have served me well.

A blue rabbit approached me.

...Oh no.

(Hi y'all! Sorry for any mistakes 😭 Day 1 still hasn't ended, it's just very long... I don't think the other days will be THIS long, but I'll fill at least the minimum 10)
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