It's a welcoming gift for Newbies. At a certain amount of posts, bells are given as a welcoming gift.
To check, go here: and search welcome.
The amount of welcoming gifts given are 150 tbt bells, 300 tbt bells, then finally 450 tbt bells.
In total you will be given 900 tbt bells.
08-25-2013, 11:18 PM
Earned 950.0 Bells
I really don't think it's 900 tbt bells anymore.
I believe it's 200 TBT then 500-550 TBT for a total of 700-750 TBT.
When I first joined, though, it was 950.
It's a welcoming gift for Newbies. At a certain amount of posts, bells are given as a welcoming gift.
To check, go here: and search welcome.
The amount of welcoming gifts given are 150 tbt bells, 300 tbt bells, then finally 450 tbt bells.
In total you will be given 900 tbt bells.
Do you know how long it takes to get the 500?