Michelle D.
Can someone please make a Youtube video of themselves drawing and painting Isabelle wearing her Summer Solstice Day Sunflower Tee and her sky blue hair elastic that matches the shirt? I could seldom find any art of her wearing that summertime shirt. If you can, maybe draw and paint her on a beach. When I talked to her she said she couldn't go to Tortimer Island because she was so busy, give her a vacation before she work herself into an early grave. I would love to see this kind of art. Today I went to the Able Sisters' shop in NL and I saw a Sunflower Tee (a sky blue T-shirt with a sunflower pattern on it), yes just like the one Isabelle was wearing yesterday for the Summer Solstice Day and I was so happy because I envied Isabelle and wanted a beautiful summertime shirt just like hers (btw this shirt is sold in the Able Sisters' shop ONLY in summer, that's what it says online, and it's only 360 bells folks, it's really worth it if you're going to wear it many times during the summer like me, also it's orderable, once you bought one you can order them from the catalogue and buy some Sunflower tees for your human friends or you can send them to your villagers in the mail or trade them on wi-fi for other clothes). And now I have one just like that and this made my day. I've heard that in NH she's still wearing that Sunflower Tee on Summer Solstice Day just like in NL, I wonder if that's true, I hope so, that shirt is lovely and so is her summertime style.
I would love to see summertime art on here. Like Isabelle wearing her Sunflower Tee and her sky blue elastic hair which is the same color as the shirt (she's wear her hair in a ponytail with a red hair elastic and a bell but on the Summer Solstice Day it's a sky blue elastic hair that matches the sky blue of her Sunflower tee and feel free to ha d a pair of black sunglasses in some of those art because I think black sunglasses would look good on Isabelle and they would go well with that summertime Sunflower Tee, that would her summery looks even cooler), and beaches with villagers chilling or fishing or swimming, barbecues, picnics, and Isabelle and villagers gathering around the campfire in Groundcamp in the evening and roasting marshmallow on the campfire and drinking lemonade and chatting while Harvey is playing musical instruments. I love art very much and I admire talentful fanartists. Would you consider making that kind of summertime art and posting it here? Would you do that, folks? Pleeeaaase? *Puppy dog eyes*

Sunflower Tee:
You can see Isabelle's sky blue hair elastic better here:
This music track was playing while I was chilling and fishing on the beach on Summer Solstice night yesterday, I really love this music, it sounds like summertime music to me:
If music count as art and some of you are musicians and own a guitar, maybe you could make a Youtube video of yourself playing "8 AM" or various other Animal Crossing music tracks. That too would be nice.
I wish you all a good day,
Oh gosh, folks, I saw Curlos with a sky blue umbrella with a sunflower pattern on it. It's called a "sunny parasol", it's only 320 bells, this one too can be ordered from the catalogue, and it looks just like the Sunflower Tee. More nice summertime merchandise! As soon as I unlock Labelle's shop I'm gonna be looking for a "sunny parasol", oh hell yes.
I would love to see summertime art on here. Like Isabelle wearing her Sunflower Tee and her sky blue elastic hair which is the same color as the shirt (she's wear her hair in a ponytail with a red hair elastic and a bell but on the Summer Solstice Day it's a sky blue elastic hair that matches the sky blue of her Sunflower tee and feel free to ha d a pair of black sunglasses in some of those art because I think black sunglasses would look good on Isabelle and they would go well with that summertime Sunflower Tee, that would her summery looks even cooler), and beaches with villagers chilling or fishing or swimming, barbecues, picnics, and Isabelle and villagers gathering around the campfire in Groundcamp in the evening and roasting marshmallow on the campfire and drinking lemonade and chatting while Harvey is playing musical instruments. I love art very much and I admire talentful fanartists. Would you consider making that kind of summertime art and posting it here? Would you do that, folks? Pleeeaaase? *Puppy dog eyes*

Sunflower Tee:
You can see Isabelle's sky blue hair elastic better here:
This music track was playing while I was chilling and fishing on the beach on Summer Solstice night yesterday, I really love this music, it sounds like summertime music to me:
If music count as art and some of you are musicians and own a guitar, maybe you could make a Youtube video of yourself playing "8 AM" or various other Animal Crossing music tracks. That too would be nice.
I wish you all a good day,
Oh gosh, folks, I saw Curlos with a sky blue umbrella with a sunflower pattern on it. It's called a "sunny parasol", it's only 320 bells, this one too can be ordered from the catalogue, and it looks just like the Sunflower Tee. More nice summertime merchandise! As soon as I unlock Labelle's shop I'm gonna be looking for a "sunny parasol", oh hell yes.

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