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Super Mario 64 Remake Suggestions (Part 4)


Mollycord’s Exile
Sep 9, 2014
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Palm City
Flower Glow Wand
Cool Balloon
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Yule Log
Disco Ball Easter Egg
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Apple (Fruit)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
It's time for another entry to the series of blog entries on SM64 remake suggestions. You are welcome to see what I suggested for Bob-omb Battlefield and what I suggested for Whomp's Fortress and Jolly Roger Bay. Today's entry is on Cool Cool Mountain and Bowser in the Dark World.

Cool Cool Mountain:

This cold mountain may seem big to you, but even it's not exempt from my suggestions directory. Along with making the mountain wider and taller and improving the graphics, here are the 13 improvements that can be made:

  1. Redesign the Spindrifts - one enemy exclusive to Super Mario 64 through the winter levels is the mysterious creature called a spindrift. I don't know what they're supposed to be, but they look a lot like ladies with flower hats and green and yellow dresses. Many interpret them to be plants. To make the designs clearer, I would suggest turning them into flowers with stems and roots for the bodies, as the heads are made of snow below the petals and the yellow and green cone becomes a dress for these flower creatures. This change should apply to both this level and Snowman's Land.
  2. Extend and stabilize the slippery ramps at the beginning - back then, just sliding down to the snowman section, crossing the bridge, and going down the lodge's exterior to get to the penguin lake are adequate, but by today's standards, it seems rushed. I would like to keep the slide section the same width as before, but more length. At the same time, there should be more friction so it would be easier to go back up. Like always, it should link immediately to the snowman's section. This time, the snowman's section is above mid-altitude in comparison to the other parts.
  3. Make the snowball stop when Mario stops - another hard challenge with lack of parameters is Snowman's Lost His Head. Instead of having the snowball continue when Mario stops, shouldn't it stop as well so you can lead the snowball better?
  4. Add more gaps and bridges - You probably figured what I meant by now. As the mountain is bigger, there should be more slides to the bottomless pit, more ledges to walk on, and more bridges to cross, including the long jump ones. And one more thing. The bridge shouldn't immediately take you down the wooden ramp that takes you down the building. That should be at the fourth highest level of the mountain. The second highest level is where the snowman section is.
  5. Make the blue coin section more interesting - you know that small section behind the mountain when you find the red coin star, right? It should be bigger as well, and easy to reach at both ways. I would also like to see Bob-ombs in this area.
  6. Add more sections to the mountain - just like Whomp's Fortress, more levels and sections to be added would make it better. I would like to see a section with more lodges, a forest section, an igloo section, and other wintry sections as you go down the mountain. And the snowman section should have more snowmen. Maybe as you go down, you can face a few more spindrifts and enemy snowmen.
  7. Expand and add more floating islands to the open cave near the lodge - you may have seen that alcove under the mountain near the penguin section, right? I would like to see more floating islands and bridges if that's getting expanded as well. We can also move the nearby red coin from the outside to one of the floating islands.
  8. Move the Bob-omb Buddy to the snowman's section - I'm okay with the cable car taking you straight to the snowman section from the penguin lake section from the lowest level of the mountain, but I would like to get rid of the floating island the Bob-omb buddy is on. Instead, I would move him to the snowman section.
  9. Add more stops at the steep slide on the side - you know that steep slope you can take as a shortcut, right? I would like to see more stops, wider stops, and a total redesign to make it more realistic.
  10. Elongate the Penguin Slide - the width can get a little wider, but the length should be even longer. As long as the mountain is getting bigger and taller with more sections, this part should be expanded as well.
  11. Expand the wall kick cave - same as above, but I would like to see more obstacles once you reach this point. Have it to where Mario would wall kick there more than in Noki Bay's The Shell's Secret.
  12. Punish the players for killing the baby penguin - I've seen a couple of memes and comics where Mario picks up any baby penguin and drops it into the abyss. We all have done this before. But I would like the producers to make a reference to how we did this before. The penguin won't fall into the abyss if it walks near. But in the improved version, if we carry the baby penguin and drop it over the cliff at the low level, whether or not it belongs to the mother, the mother penguin will talk to Mario in an angry tone and will charge into him, pushing him off the cliff. You can't even move Mario at this process.
  13. Make the penguin lake area more interesting - Not only this area should be bigger, but I would also like to see the lake increase in size, more vegetation, and more snowy hills. Back then, only gameplay mattered. Nowadays, extra scenery matters just as much as gameplay to make it more appealing.

Bowser in the Dark World:

After collecting eight stars from the levels and side levels in the castle lobby, you would unlock your first Bowser stage. You have to go through some mini-platformer before you go down the pipe, where you meet Bowser. In my recommendations entries, I have suggestions for both the Bowser stages and the main levels. One improvement I seek is to turn the background to look like an actual creepy crypt with their own views rather than just paintings. The other changes, just read the following:

  1. Add more obstacles after the first hazard - the first few steps until you reach the torch is fine, but once you pass it, I prefer to see more obstacles. How about a swinging gondola obstacle like in Rainbow Ride, an obstacle with a block that pushes back and forth like later in this stage, or a rolling block like seen in The Secret of the Ricco Tower in Super Mario Sunshine? I would like to see more obstacles before you get to that square with these diamond-like objects going around.
  2. Replace the first set of ramps with stairs - ramps are old and outdated. Maybe there should be stairs when you leave that diamond obstacle and before you ride the "ferris wheel".
  3. Add more ferris wheel contraptions - two or three more would do the trick. And remember, having at least one that makes you change altitude would be better before reaching some wooden bridge to the goomba platform.
  4. Add gaps in the first wooden bridge - I don't remember where the bridge I'm talking about is, but I know it's linked to the platform with the goombas on it. Adding a gap or two will make it more challenging.
  5. Redesign the Amps - throughout the rest of the game, you may see these electrifying enemies with angry faces. I would like to see more detail in them and not as simple as before.
  6. Expand the spiral ramp in length - the spiral ramp with crystals and amps had an adequate length at the beginning, but I would like to see a litte more width, but more length and more height. Make it until you're two stories higher from the goomba platform before getting across some pusher obstacle or whatever it is.
  7. Expand the diamond-like obstacle sections - the first one is perfectly fine by just having 2x2 square with two of these diamond-like objects you can walk on. The next two sections, should be 3x3, but still with two diamonds each. The middle square is always empty, so don't jump in.
  8. Create a new platform ride - once you cross the diamond-like obstacles, you will reach a section with see-saws before reaching the steps to the pipe. If an edit is to be made here, I would like to see the see-saw section split from the rest of the world while a platform ride that goes back and forth is added.
  9. Add more see-saws - the final section before reaching the convertible ramp that turns into stairs is the see-saw section where you can climb see-saws. They can improve this section by just making it taller, longer, and of course, more see-saws.

That is enough of the castle lobby levels and details to fix them. The next entry will be on the other levels.
1. I would like to see a visual interpretation of this. Also, I just now realized that Spindrift only appears in snow levels... what was I drunk??

2. Well going down a big slope and then a dangerous lift seem pretty good for carrying a baby penguin to his mother. Also, the slope is definitely not impossible to climb up, but it is a bit tricky. Also, who takes the long way? I just jump down to the penguin from the top of the mountain.

3. That seems a bit unrealistic. The snowball does seem to have a mind of its own but it doesn't care if it pummels you trying to get down the mountain. Besides, once I found out the trick to beating that mission it was WAY easier.

4. This is another one of those things that I can't really visualize.

5. But what purpose would a bob-omb serve here? They would probably be as useful as they are in Shifting Sand Land.

6. Eh...

7. That could work, and add more unrealisticity to the game. But you know, it's a 3D Mario game. What more could you expect?

8. I always hated that little floating island right there. I mean, you could keep the island but move the bob-omb buddy.

9. Not a bad thought.

10. Okay, but please don't make it any more difficult than it already is. It seems I have to take the shortcut so I don't fall off! They should make the turns less "turny".

11. That would be good.

12. I always wanted to hit that mother penguin so hard... they should at least give us a chance to escape!

13. Again, that would be good.

I'm not gonna go over all the Dark World points because there are so many that I disagree with... but for the record, the amps will look like they do in games like NSMBU.
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By coming up with suggestion you don't agree with, I hope that I'm not being insulting. I was just explaining my opinions on what needs to be done to the game.

What are some points do you have to come up with to improve SM64?

By the way, DK64 is on the Virtual Console for Wii U.
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Apple2012;bt12907 said:
By coming up with suggestion you don't agree with, I hope that I'm not being insulting. I was just explaining my opinions on what needs to be done to the game.

What are some points do you have to come up with to improve SM64?

By the way, DK64 is on the Virtual Console for Wii U.

Well, just right off the top of my head, it would be good to see a graphical change and better handling of the game overall. I don't like to see too much changes in the remakes. For instance, Idon't like the DS remake because they added new feautures that I feeltake away from the game, like the addition of 30 more stars.

If they could just remake SM64 with way better graphics and better control I would be set.
Lol the penguin thing is actually kinda fun and as long as that would not ruin the game like you need to restart too much it would be a nice thing haha.

Also no more see-saws lol. Some time since I played through this game but I don't think it's needed unless they can make it work with a possibly new remap of the controls and such.