Mario Super Mario 64 speedruns


"Laughter is the best medicine."
Jun 13, 2020
Blue Star Fragment
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Shooting Star
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Blue Star Fragment
Opalescent Crystal
Blue Rosewater Potion
Enchanted Bloom
Blue Rosewater Potion
Opalescent Crystal
Have you watch people speedrun Super Mario 64? I did watch some of it and it's interesting that they sometimes break the game on purpose (especially clipping through levels.) to beat the game in just minutes. And Super Mario 64 is strangely the most popular game to speedrun on.

Normally, there were speedruns on other Mario games but Super Mario 64 takes the cake in having the most speedruns ever.
ive seen people try that stuff. I keep getting this mario 64 speed run video on youtube talking about some guy that cheated and they found out by 'mario blink check' method: checking how mario blinks for consistency in the recording, still havent watched that video. I havent sat thru a mario 64 speed run tho. Last one I saw was the hobbit for gamecube, which inspired me to get the game, also cause i wanted a better way to see the hobbit story than those movies.

Theres some cool history to speedrunning classic games like those like its fun to just be a part of it
can't believe I didn't see this thread before haha.

I've been binge watching Simply om youtube, he does a lot of funny and interesting speedruns in Super Mario 64. I recently watched SummoningSalt's video about the history of SM64 speedrunning, and it was very interesting. I also like to watch Nathaniel Bandy (and his evil twin Bathaniel Nandy) do speedruns! that's just to name a few hehe.

I don't do speedruns myself, I prefer to play games casually and just enjoy them, but I love watching them!
I don’t really watch them. I don’t do them either because… I have a life lol. Sorry. That and I don’t think I’m good enough at the game to do some of those strategies. From what I can remember since last time I played the game, the best I can usually do instinctively is long jump a ton and ground pound/kick right before touching the ground from a high place to negate the fall damage.

I did watch this Nathaniel Bandy video about it and I think it’s crazy that people can pull things like that off casually like it’s muscle memory. Like how people can just Bob-Omb clip on their first try. And it’s hilarious how people calculate the amount of pixels in Mario’s model just to shave off 0.00084 seconds of time. I think it would be kind of cool to be able to do that.
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I've watched them and recently I find them more and more fun, I'm actually following a speedeunner atm who recently beat his pb. I learned to do then BLJ some time ago but I don't have the mental fortitude to speedeun myself haha