The band at my school is going to Super State, the top ten middle school bands in Illinois go, and preform! Our school probably has the smallest band going too. Our chances of winning is really low. Our band last year got 2nd place. I am so nervous because the competition is tomorrow. By the way, I play the Bass Clarinet.
Last year was
Honor band: Hadley
1st: McCracken
2nd: Kelvin Grove(me)
Our High School has been honor band for the past 4 or 5 years. Lockport Township High school. Honor band is the best ranking you can get.
Last year was
Honor band: Hadley
1st: McCracken
2nd: Kelvin Grove(me)
Our High School has been honor band for the past 4 or 5 years. Lockport Township High school. Honor band is the best ranking you can get.