SupeSpaght has arrived at the station!


Pasta Popper
Mar 7, 2016
Hello, Bell Tree community! I'm SupeSpaght, but you can call me whatever. I joined the forum earlier this week and decided to come out of the shadows and introduce myself!

I've only been playing Animal Crossing:New Leaf for a few months now, but I'm already a pretty big fan of this series! I love the characters, the soundtrack, and the relaxation of playing the game in general. My mayor's name is Spagheto, running the town of Savioli (Which I'm actually considering resetting :( ). The town really isn't much, with dirt patches everywhere and very little scenery to see. But on the bright side, my Main Street ain't looking a tad too shabby.

My favorite Special Characters are The Nooklings, Tom Nook, Isabelle, K.K. Slider, and Rover. They're all so precious and amazing (Even if Tom Nook does act like Satan here and there). I also really like Redd the fox, but he gets on my nerves sometimes.

My all-time favorite villager would have to be Rosie the peppy cat, followed by Lolly, Bob, Margie, Chrissy, Francine, and Butch. If any of these friendly faces decided to move into my town, I'd probably DIE.

There's a lot in the game I have to experience, such as playing with others, building a Cafe, a police station,having a chance to feel the satisfying feeling that comes with having a perfect little town, and so much more.

So yeah, that's my basic information about my Animal Crossing life! If you have any questions about my ACTUAL life, feel free to ask me! I'll try to answer as soon as possible, and if I feel like answering.

Thanks for reading! ~Spaghet
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