Switch hacking news

Reginald Fairfield

Senior Member
Dec 21, 2017
White Hyacinth
Red Hyacinth
Cool Heart Balloon
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Blue Christmas Stocking
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Golden Mushroom Lamp
I seems that people have found an exploit with the switch, thanks to something to do with the processor, that doesn't have an easy fix short of require new hardware. Due to this there are already Gamecube emulators and such. So it is now possible that there will most likely be hackers on any game we are currently hoping for on the Switch, when it comes out.
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That's... not a bad thing though?
Playing with hackers that cheat will not be a problem since you can easily report people on the Switch. And considering some people have been banned for inksacking in Splat 2, hacking will be an almost instant ban. Hacking wasn't really a problem with the Wii U before either since again, you could report people fairly easily (through Miiverse, but that's dead now and Ninty doesn't care about the Wii U at all so maybe they're more active on there again).

Hacking was so bad on the Wii since the process to report people was such an annoying process that nobody wanted to do. You had to get the name of the player, the game you were playing, the time you were playing, what they did, and any other relevant details (like the stage you were playing on, what characters each of you were, or whatever questions that apply to the game in question); then call Nintendo and sluggishly relay all of that info over to them. And even then, there's no way of knowing if the person got banned or not.
as long as they don’t mess up someone else’s gameplay, it shouldn’t be a problem.

if they do it online, guess you just report them like person above said
Karma for the greedy decisions they made on Pocket Camp. Hope they lose millions.
Karma for the greedy decisions they made on Pocket Camp. Hope they lose millions.

Your comment made me laugh

Yeah, I don't see problems with hacking in videogames so long as people aren't hacking competitive games (like splatoon or any shooter) in order to win or give themselves an edge. A long time ago, I was friends with a guy who hacked black ops 2 and we were in an online match and he gave me power to basically do whatever. i made dogs rain from the sky

tldr hacking is fun
meh as long as they don't break the game its fine lmao

let the hackers be hackers
Honestly, as long as they're not using it to gain an unfair advantage in an online PvP game or something similar (Smash, Mario Kart, Splatoon, etc.), I don't see this being a big deal. If anything, I did use hacks in Smash Wii U, but only cosmetic hacks like texture hacks, music hacks, etc., so me having a problem with people trying to hack for these sorts of purposes would be hypocritical.

If they are using hacks to gain an unfair advantage, you could just report them like other people in the thread have already mentioned.
I do feel obligated to mention the video I had up said this is "pretty far outside the expertise of the general public" at the moment.

Of course the old homebrew crap started out requiring foreign accessories and bad software, that pretty quickly got to the point any angry individual could pick it up and be a greifer. I'm trying to be intentionally being vague right now, regarding details. I've had some bad experiences over a long period of time. Now my bias is showing.