Trading T> TBT for IGB

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Pekoe's Eternal Servant
Jan 21, 2015
Black Hybrid Rose
Holiday Candy Cane 2018
Jingle Christmas Doll
Pear (Fruit)
100% (36) +
EDIT-- Changed 100 to 70 to reflect interaction.

I would like to trade 70 TBT total for at least 21 mil IGB for my new town Kuro.
Mayor Roger of Kuro has the FC 4355-9786-7371 as I'm playing in on a standard 3DS instead of my new 3DS XL that I play my main town on.

Really eager to build, and Tom Nook is killing me. lol

Just a few things:

1) I'm not looking to trade more than 70 TBT at this time, but I will trade a smaller increment.
Ex: 10 TBT for at least 3 mil.

2) Come to Kuro to drop the bells, no running in my town unless you are on the paths laid down/ main street.

3) I will pay you TBT after to avoid any shortchanging. (It's a lot easier to transfer TBT than IGB)

4) I will only trade with people that have positive Wi-Fi feedback. (Sorry!) I'm just a nervous little mayor ^^;

5) Include the amount you want to exchange, mayor name, town name, and FC if different from sidebar.

6) When we're done, don't forget to rate our transaction. I try to give good feedback within a half hour of a transaction. :)

Also: If you can't link right away, specify when you will be available, including timezone you're going by.

If you read all this, please include 'hibiscus' in your reply!
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I can do 10 million igb for 30 tbt if you're interested ^^
Mayor name and town name in my signature
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Added, waiting for you to add me and we can start. :)
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I just added you! my gates are open!
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You didn't add the character listed above. :/ FC 4355-9786-7371
And I asked you to come to my town to drop the bells, if that's okay.. ^^;
Oh my bad lol. Um but I already dropped the bells in my town. What should we do?
I'll come over, I guess.
Let me store all the bells in adb before we disconnect, then I'll pay you TBT.
Sound good?
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