Giveaway Tabby the peppy cat looking for a new home

Mayor Puffy

Piggy Bank Hunter
Aug 14, 2013
Yellow Candy
100% (139) +

She ain't pretty, but she's pretty cool! She's currently in boxes and would like a new home. You up for it?
Aww, if I had room I'd take her, we share the same birthday!
Hahaha- gosh, a bit off topic but she always makes me think of Naruto. :p

Hope you find her a home if you haven't already…!
Also off topic: A reinactment of a New leaf newbie....

Ooh, villagers! Huh? Who's Tabby? Better check the thread... OH JEEZ.
Omg I want her so bad ;A;, but I'm resetting soon... I wish more people would like her she's such a rockstar tomboy. Hopefully I find her in my new town ;)
How much longer can you hold Tabby? Going to see if anyone wants Kabuki since he's my 10th spot.
Poor Kabuki. If I already didn't have a cranky I'd adopt him.

I'll wait for you then. Tell me when you're ready to come over.
Yah I have Kabuki in my main town and cycle town. He's never leaving my main
If I didn't have enough peppy I would totally take her. I had her in Wild World.
Good, I've opened my gates. I hope you've already added me otherwise I'll just re-open 'em.
Shinmega is the town, just follow me to Tabby's house, afterwards I'll kick ya. ^_^
I'm going to use my daughters town for now. I'm holding on to Kabuki for about 1/2 hour. Her FC is 4184-2195-0611. Her name and town name is Sushi :D