Hello all! So, while I'm auctioning Julian for a friend/student, I'm a person who doesn't mind TT'ing in my game. Tangy, the peppy little cute cat is ready to go! And since i'm still trying to cycle through 16 villagers to get my Mira back, I'm willing to auction her off.
I won't wait long on this one. I'd prefer to end it before 12pm PST. About an hour and twenty minutes from here. If she's your dreamie, post an offer, and if it seems fair, I'll happily TT to her so you can grab her.
I hope Tangy finds a good home. She's one of my original neighbors, but I love my other peppy villager. <3 Thanks for looking!
I won't wait long on this one. I'd prefer to end it before 12pm PST. About an hour and twenty minutes from here. If she's your dreamie, post an offer, and if it seems fair, I'll happily TT to her so you can grab her.
I hope Tangy finds a good home. She's one of my original neighbors, but I love my other peppy villager. <3 Thanks for looking!