Trading Tank Is Moving Soon


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2012
Silver Mailbox
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
100% (6) +
Tank is moving soon so i wanted to know if anyone wants her.

I think she moves on the 25th.

I will trade for Queenie or bells.

Im trying to get Queenie before her birthday because i like her and shes fun to hang out with.

And theres a big empty space on my fireplace for her picture.

How many bells for Tank exactly? Is he the rhino to be exact, you called the one Im thinking about a she.
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Im looking at about 500k and 1 item that i need or if you have a villager that is moving out of your town that i want.

The 1 item i want is the tv camera i dont know the exact name of it ill be on later.

This Is a picture of Tank

I thaught Tank was female but Tank is a male.

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Dang, I can't afford that :/

And I don't think I have ANY residents moving or wanting to move. I plan on getting all there pictures before they move so yeah :B
Ok what can you afford ill go down to your level.

I know hes worth more than this if you get me a few items for me than tank is yours there common items even if you still get 1 of the items you get tank either way you will get tank i can add you now.

The 2 items im looking for is the tv camera or an office wall.

Still need to check Nooks for other things

Im adding you to trade tank but hes not in his boxes till tommarow and im not tting its 2pm here i dont know what time it is where you live but ill need to know that ahead of time so i know how to set up my wifi.

i need to know that to see if i need to set to my router or phone wifi witch is much faster.

Pm me when you get a chance.

I could give 100,000 but I was gonna use that for Projects... Also can I get him even though I have 9 Villagers, I heard the 10th needs to be from the CampSite.