"I'm forever yours... faithfully" 💙💜
Welcome dearest readers! If you are seeing this then that means you have stumbled across my humble island journal, and you are perhaps interested in taking a peek at the wares and wonders of Lilycove? Well there's not much to see here (yet) so give it some time and we shall see where this journey takes us!
So first I should properly introduce our Island Representative, Taylor. At surface level he's quite snarky and pompous, and shows distaste for the constant positivity around him, but he secretly enjoys it! As you can see, one of his animal neighbors planted a whole bunch of colorful flowers while he was away and, as such, he doesn't appear to be particularly pleased. Though he can appreciate these gestures of kindness (and deep down he actually likes it), he's really just not having it here.
"Who planted these dang flowers anyways??"
So after returning from a decently long hiatus, Taylor (or Bug, as his friends like to call him) finds himself just wandering around the island, checking out the state of everything. Of course, the island is becoming run over with flowers. He thinks to himself, "I swear I only planted a few flowers here," as he gazes upon 87 rose blooms of assorted colors. As mentioned previously, he tends to gravitate towards the dark and gloomy aesthetics, and this gorgeous, sun-shiney island afternoon was, understandably, killing that vibe. But he pressed forward, knowing he has neglected his animal neighbors for far too long and they need their trusty human friend back, to listen to their asinine stories as well as take possession of the most random and incongruous of furniture and apparel. He would simply have to glance away from the atrocity that is overgrown flower fields, and save that cleanup for another day.
"Someone is looking this way! I must act like I am enjoying myself in this ridiculous ocean of roses so to not raise suspicion."
Aside from the mountains of scattered blooms (which looks minuscule in comparison to the behemoth of a flower garden that was his old home island, Floaroma), Lilycove is quite a sightly island, though not in ways you might expect. You see, Taylor has lived on this island for well over a year, and yet it still looks quite deserted. It appears as if he and his animal neighbors prefer the simple life, in a thinly wooded area with abundant fauna and flora (though not so abundant it becomes repulsing, obviously). Upon closer inspection of nearby islands, he has come to the conclusion that hoards of items scattered throughout an island can take away from the island's natural beauty. There are improvements to be made in Lilycove, of course, but it will remain relatively untouched from its current state. Though you can rest assured that Taylor will most certainly have a word with all the pests--I mean, flowers, who have decided to take up residence here.
After taking a quick look around the island, he decides to head to the campsite, since he had heard that someone was visiting. He resents having to wake up every day and hear Isabelle's nauseatingly cheerful voice, but it is what it is. He does appreciate hearing about visitors on the island, however, and hearing the announcement this afternoon aroused his curiosity. But something less inviting and much more sinister awaited him up on the cliff: the rabbit man himself, Zipper T. Bunny. Ever since the birth of the getaway island, Taylor has resented seeing this horrific bouncing lagomorph every year. Just the mere sight of Zipper invoked a kind of fear that is unheard of elsewhere, a terrible kind of fear. This bunny means business, and he will not rest until hisslaves participators find all of his hidden eggs. He is a force to be reckoned with, and Taylor wants to ensure that today would not be his day.
"He's just standing there... menacingly!!"
After taking the long way around to the campsite, he discovers that it is in fact Julian who is visiting Lilycove! Unfortunately he cannot not bare to spend too much time in this small tent; the horrors of Zipper have all but engrossed him and there need not be more jump-scares and heavy-handed conversations today. He does, however, take a moment to admire Julian's charm. It's not often you see a unicorn, much less one who is apparently blessed by the goddess of the stars with eternal beauty. He may not be coming to live on the island today, but Taylor still enjoys the few moments they can spend together.
"I haven't a clue what he speaks of, but he is quite charming nonetheless."
Taylor has only been outside of his house for a solid 5 minutes, and yet he has clearly seen enough for one day. All these saturated colors and cheery sights and hopping hooligans were too much for him to handle all at once. But before setting his sights on home, he approaches the homes of his neighbors to check in on some of them. Of course, they are living their best life, as always. He often asks himself how these animals manage to be so positive. They never have rainy days, it's all sunshine and sparkles. "Good for them, I suppose," he says to himself. As much as he cannot wrap his mind around the idea of endless happiness, for him it is always a pleasant sight to see his neighbors doing okay. He spots Audie sitting by her pond, within what other than a bed of red cosmos. For a brief moment he is able to take his mind off of the plethora of random flowers to say hi to her. She is, after all, one of his favorite neighbors. Perhaps they will meet again soon, and perhaps she could help him clear all these superfluous plants! Of course, a guy can dream.
She might have a bombastic personality, but she truly is one-of-a-kind.
After their brief meeting Taylor decides he has seen enough, and he retreats back to his personal quarters. Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully with that comes good, quality improvements for Lilycove... and a bit of rain and overcast clouds wouldn't hurt, either.
What will happen next? Tune in tomorrow to find out! ~Bug
So first I should properly introduce our Island Representative, Taylor. At surface level he's quite snarky and pompous, and shows distaste for the constant positivity around him, but he secretly enjoys it! As you can see, one of his animal neighbors planted a whole bunch of colorful flowers while he was away and, as such, he doesn't appear to be particularly pleased. Though he can appreciate these gestures of kindness (and deep down he actually likes it), he's really just not having it here.

"Who planted these dang flowers anyways??"

"Someone is looking this way! I must act like I am enjoying myself in this ridiculous ocean of roses so to not raise suspicion."
After taking a quick look around the island, he decides to head to the campsite, since he had heard that someone was visiting. He resents having to wake up every day and hear Isabelle's nauseatingly cheerful voice, but it is what it is. He does appreciate hearing about visitors on the island, however, and hearing the announcement this afternoon aroused his curiosity. But something less inviting and much more sinister awaited him up on the cliff: the rabbit man himself, Zipper T. Bunny. Ever since the birth of the getaway island, Taylor has resented seeing this horrific bouncing lagomorph every year. Just the mere sight of Zipper invoked a kind of fear that is unheard of elsewhere, a terrible kind of fear. This bunny means business, and he will not rest until his

"He's just standing there... menacingly!!"

"I haven't a clue what he speaks of, but he is quite charming nonetheless."
Taylor has only been outside of his house for a solid 5 minutes, and yet he has clearly seen enough for one day. All these saturated colors and cheery sights and hopping hooligans were too much for him to handle all at once. But before setting his sights on home, he approaches the homes of his neighbors to check in on some of them. Of course, they are living their best life, as always. He often asks himself how these animals manage to be so positive. They never have rainy days, it's all sunshine and sparkles. "Good for them, I suppose," he says to himself. As much as he cannot wrap his mind around the idea of endless happiness, for him it is always a pleasant sight to see his neighbors doing okay. He spots Audie sitting by her pond, within what other than a bed of red cosmos. For a brief moment he is able to take his mind off of the plethora of random flowers to say hi to her. She is, after all, one of his favorite neighbors. Perhaps they will meet again soon, and perhaps she could help him clear all these superfluous plants! Of course, a guy can dream.

She might have a bombastic personality, but she truly is one-of-a-kind.
After their brief meeting Taylor decides he has seen enough, and he retreats back to his personal quarters. Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully with that comes good, quality improvements for Lilycove... and a bit of rain and overcast clouds wouldn't hurt, either.
What will happen next? Tune in tomorrow to find out! ~Bug

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