Woah that was fast, I'll get a dodoOf course. And send me a dodo code and I’ll be over with your order.
Woah that was fast, I'll get a dodoOf course. And send me a dodo code and I’ll be over with your order.
Of course. Send me a dodo code and I’ll be over with them all.Hello again! Could I do the 40 materials bundle for 25 TBT, please? I'm on vacation so I have more availability (GMT +9). Thank you!
20 stacks of fish bait
3 stacks of young spring bamboo
17 stacks of iron ore
Of course. I’ll send a dodo code so you can pick them up and sell them on my island.Hello. Can I order 40 Royal Crowns for 10 TBT.
Of course! Send me a dodo code and I'll be right over!hello! can i get:
total = 46 tbt
- 12 mill bells
- genuine art: serene, warm, wistful, graceful, flowery, scary, moving, quaint, solemn, worthy, glowing, common, sinking, nice, proper, mysterious, twinkling x2, perfect, wild right half, detailed
- genuine statues: warrior, gallant x2, ancient, tremendous, mystic, valiant x2, familiar, beautiful x2, great x2
- materials: large snowflakes (2 stacks)