TBT won't send? ;-;


( ̄。 ̄)~zzz
Jun 3, 2015
Red Holiday Candle
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
New Leaf Token
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Blue Candy
Yellow Candy
Tasty Cake
Happy Home Designer Token
Red Candy
Green Candy
I commissioned an artist, but am unable to send TBT.
I'm sure I have 50 but every time I type it in and message pops up saying: you do not have 50 bells to spend.

They did some awesome art in such a short amount of time, so I feel bad for not being able to pay ;-;
I've actually had an issue where I am unable to send tbt and I have the money to pay so sometimes I have to exit the browser and send (usually takes like 5 tries)
Is it my internet or a problem with the website???
This has happened when someone tried to pay me for stuff before. Maybe try clearing your cookies?
If you had exactly 50 TBT when you attempted the transfer, it's because you had a fraction of a bell (i.e. 49.6 TBT) rather than exactly 50. The total amount will be rounded up to the next whole number, but the last bell isn't actually available to be transferred because it's not a whole bell, if that makes sense. Just withdraw an extra bell from your ABD or post a couple times and you'll have enough. :)