Teh Neighbor Rumors


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2008
So I'd like to start out by saying, I gots the game today! Woot. [This is my useless topic about getting teh game today]

I would like to rub it in your faces that: I gotz teh game today, and caught teh bees, not once was I stung. Oh yea...I gots skillz >:D

Okay so basically about what the neighbors say:
Chief told me that Torty's shell is FAKE O.O
And apparently Goldie was raised by Wolves

lmao xD
Shut up b00blet. >:p
Yew must respect yer authority. >:D

And no actually I'm too cheap to afford wiispeak or a usb keyboard...so I PHAIL and I'm stuck w/ teh game's slow on screen keyboard.
coffeebean! said:
Shut up b00blet. >:p
Yew must respect yer authority. >:D

And no actually I'm too cheap to afford wiispeak or a usb keyboard...so I PHAIL and I'm stuck w/ teh game's slow on screen keyboard.
Your not my authority D:<
I am a higher level than you!
In AC:WW Lucky had a homosexual crush on me I have Samson in my WW town too and me and him were pals, but now he enjoys peeking in my windows watching me undress.
Megamannt125 said:
In AC:WW Lucky had a homosexual crush on me I have Samson in my WW town too and me and him were pals, but now he enjoys peeking in my windows watching me undress.
LMAO. <3333
xDDDD This is why you're epic mega xDDD
