[temp. closed] able sisters & sahara đź‘’


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2015
100% (27) +

welcome to the island of blair!

- please only take non-hybrid roses! i have weird little hybrid growing
patches scattered around, and would prefer those be left alone
- feel free to fish/catch bugs/take non-hybrid roses/pick up seashells/take fruit
- gifts are of course not required, but appreciated! if you want to bring anything,
just leave it around the plaza <3

tailor shop/able sisters!

nook's cranny!
red-rose bag
yellow-rose bag
red-hyacinth bag
yellow-hyacinth bag
red-windflower bag
white-windflower bag

small: black-design kitchen mat
medium: red medium round mat
large: monochromatic wavy rug
wallpaper: ruins wall
flooring: white-chocolates flooring

also, please excuse the absolutely wack layout of my island rn. it's... a work in progress hahah
i may be quiet in-game, but feel free to pm me or msg me on discord at bathory#6165 if you need anything!

DODO CODE: closed for now
status: closed (if you've been disconnected, send me a pm and i'll reopen for you!)

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I will drop by later if you're still open, currently farming shooting stars. I'll bring some apples if you still need them!
Thank you for doing this! I'm gonna try to stop by! Let me know when spots open up :)
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hi! i pm'ed you. thanks for doing this btw <3
Wow I didn't realize how many people are PMing you o:
I too PM'd you, but it's okay if you don't get to it hehe
i've reopened and i'm trying to send the code out to anyone who was disconnected! feel free to pm me again if that's the case ;~;
If you stay open for a while, I would love to visit whenever you're open again!