welcome to the island of blair!
- please only take non-hybrid roses! i have weird little hybrid growing
patches scattered around, and would prefer those be left alone
- feel free to fish/catch bugs/take non-hybrid roses/pick up seashells/take fruit
- gifts are of course not required, but appreciated! if you want to bring anything,
just leave it around the plaza <3
tailor shop/able sisters!
nook's cranny!
red-rose bag
yellow-rose bag
red-hyacinth bag
yellow-hyacinth bag
red-windflower bag
white-windflower bag
small: black-design kitchen mat
medium: red medium round mat
large: monochromatic wavy rug
wallpaper: ruins wall
flooring: white-chocolates flooring
also, please excuse the absolutely wack layout of my island rn. it's... a work in progress hahah
i may be quiet in-game, but feel free to pm me or msg me on discord at bathory#6165 if you need anything!
DODO CODE: closed for now
status: closed (if you've been disconnected, send me a pm and i'll reopen for you!)
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