Another hardcore gamer is Terry Fator, the singing ventriloquist who turned victory on "America's Got Talent" into a $100 million contract at the Las Vegas Mirage. Fator briefly gave up games to make time to write his book, "Who's the Dummy Now?"
"I swore off video games for eight months" to write "Dummy," he says. "I'm telling you, it was like giving up crack. I've never taken any drugs in my life. But people who have taken crack have told me it's difficult, giving it up. Well, I had to give up video games."
Fator, an ex-game store worker, liked the "Halo" series, but he's been more into platforms and fantasy, like "Final Fantasy VII," "Zelda," "Ratchet & Clank" and "Mario."
"I like going around and collecting stupid stuff, and blowing stuff up, and big bosses," Fator said excitedly.
"The game I'm really into now is 'Animal Crossing.' And the funny thing about it is, for the Wii, it's exactly the same game that came out on the DS and the GameCube, but it doesn't matter."