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That moment when...


Bunnie's Shmoopy
Sep 25, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Rosewater Potion
Blue Rosewater Potion
The Bell Tree Fair 2022 Patch
Spring Shamrock
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Matryoshka Doll
Festive Bell
Green Christmas Stocking
Pear (Fruit)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
You forget to tell someone to clear their void and end up with their villager...

May be a silly question but is there a way to get out of them? Or do i really have to plot reset?

I'm not mad at her if she does end up seeing this >.<
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You can overwrite the voided villager by inviting someone from another town or your campsite, but you will have to plot reset, unfortunately. No way out of it.
I'm guessing by this point they have a plot marked out already? If so then there's nothing you can do.
I'm guessing by this point they have a plot marked out already? If so then there's nothing you can do.

Not quite but yeah...i was hopeing someone would say if you keep "plot resetting" until the plot disappears they are gone but i guess stufg don't work like that.
if you havent loaded your mayor you can TT to yesterday and invite someone else to your town.
if you loaded your mayor and the plot is there then its over :/
if you havent loaded your mayor you can TT to yesterday and invite someone else to your town.
if you loaded your mayor and the plot is there then its over :/

the plot is there but not saved maybe i can get it ti disappear but time travelling backwards is counted as a day so it wonr help...
the plot is there but not saved maybe i can get it ti disappear but time travelling backwards is counted as a day so it wonr help...

Did you already go on your mayor though? If you went on a new save file that could work but if you loaded your mayor it won't.
the plot is there but not saved maybe i can get it ti disappear but time travelling backwards is counted as a day so it wonr help...

doesnt matter sadly :/ while loading your mayor the town will be saved. i think you cant do anything anymore :c
Did you already go on your mayor though? If you went on a new save file that could work but if you loaded your mayor it won't.

Here's what happened: someone came over, i tt'd next day, nothing, saved, did some work, tt'd again, new character, plot :|

I havent loaded my character or saved i'm in plot reset mode i.e new character
The plot moves each time i start a new character so yeah
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Ah I see! I think it'll only change villagers or disappear if it was a random move in. Not if it's someone from the void.
Here's what happened: someone came over, i tt'd next day, nothing, saved, did some work, tt'd again, new character, plot :|

I havent loaded my character or saved i'm in plot rest mode i.e new character
The plot moves each time i start a new character so yeah

thats good! then you can do what i said. when you TT back one day it wont count as a new day.
thats good! then you can do what i said. when you TT back one day it wont count as a new day.

Forgive a foolish question. But as the game thinks that the villager is going to move in won't that just move the plot resetting to yesterday? The game still wants that villager to move in.
Well..i'm a little guilty and kinda just went straight into thinking they gave them to me via visiting there is a small chance the game wants to throw him at me but i am 9 villagers in soo it's a small chance. I can still probably make him disappear i mean there is i think 50/50 chance you get a voided villager, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. I shouldn't complain, i want villagers back and in the end it helps with cycling them back in but it was unplanned and annoys me to hell and back :3.
Forgive a foolish question. But as the game thinks that the villager is going to move in won't that just move the plot resetting to yesterday? The game still wants that villager to move in.

no because it was the last day she played as her mayor and the game will think its still the same day. It will only know that its a new day when she loads her mayor or another existing character on a new date.
i hope that makes sense? xD
no because it was the last day she played as her mayor and the game will think its still the same day. It will only know that its a new day when she loads her mayor or another existing character on a new date.
i hope that makes sense? xD

I'm still a bit wary of that... since i saved 05:59am before the date changed over officially at 6am so.. it will just count as another day?
I think once you see a plot for someone, that's it. Traveling forward or backward a day won't change anything. I mean, no matter what happens, someone is going to move in.
I'm still a bit wary of that... since i saved 05:59am before the date changed over officially at 6am so.. it will just count as another day?

trust me. as long as you can still plot reset this plot (you said it changes places right?) you can load up yesterday and nothing will change. if you want to be ultra save you can change TT back with your 3DS clock and make a new character first.
trust me. as long as you can still plot reset this plot (you said it changes places right?) you can load up yesterday and nothing will change. if you want to be ultra save you can change TT back with your 3DS clock and make a new character first.

Wow okay that worked o.o i put my ds date back ONE dday and dhe's not there..i;mma make ABOSLUTELY sure. Thank you!

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Wow okay that worked o.o i put my ds date back ONE dday and dhe's not there..i;mma make ABOSLUTELY sure. Thank you!

Yep he's not there lol Thank you soooo much @Amilee
no because it was the last day she played as her mayor and the game will think its still the same day. It will only know that its a new day when she loads her mayor or another existing character on a new date.
i hope that makes sense? xD

That does. Thanks for explaining! I personally still wouldn't take the risk but this does make sense :)
Wow okay that worked o.o i put my ds date back ONE dday and dhe's not there..i;mma make ABOSLUTELY sure. Thank you!

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Yep he's not there lol Thank you soooo much @Amilee

no problem at all! glad i could help c: