That seat taken?


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2013
Hey there, I'm Bea. I'm not big into video games, but I've been playing Animal Crossing since the GC. I bought a DS for WW and a Wii for City Folk and I'm hoping they release the AC 3DS bundle here in North America so I can buy that for NL.

Aside from the usual waiting for NL, I'm a 21 year old University student working towards grad school. I work at a bar part time and have a bizarre addiction to cats and Tamagotchis. I think that's about all I can tell you without my lawyer present...
Welcome Bea :) I also love Tamagothcis! How many cats do you have?

Sadly I have no cats at home, mine died last year and my mum isn't keen on getting another one. But I volunteer with a cat rescue so I still get to play with them lots ^.^
Sadly I have no cats at home, mine died last year and my mum isn't keen on getting another one. But I volunteer with a cat rescue so I still get to play with them lots ^.^

You will have to hope for some New leaf cats to fill the void for now ;)
Welcome! also, those dreaded Tamagotchis... It's innocent fun at first but they pester you to no end.
Welcome Bea! I'm a fan of Tamagotchis too, I like your Debirutchi icon. Your name sounds familiar... Are you on any Tamagotchi forums?

Anyways, Welcome to TBT, this place is great. :D
Yes! I'm on Tama-Zone and (rarely) TamaTalk as Beagee. Also I have a Tamagotchi Tumblr:here so maybe I am familiar from one of them? Animal Crossing and Tamagotchis are my two 'game' addictions. And Neopets but that's a whole 'nother level of shame.
Yes! I'm on Tama-Zone and (rarely) TamaTalk as Beagee. Also I have a Tamagotchi Tumblr:here so maybe I am familiar from one of them? Animal Crossing and Tamagotchis are my two 'game' addictions. And Neopets but that's a whole 'nother level of shame.
Ah yeah, I remember you now. I liked your log on TZ and I think I'm following your tumblr already, I love it!

I've been banned from TZ by Ra, but that doesn't really matter since I am no longer active in the fandom. I'm still running my purple iD L 15th and I recently ordered a Green P and a Navy +Color with my holiday money that I'm waiting for in the mail. I am still quite addicted to them as well as Animal Crossing. Two things that I just can't grow out of. ^-^;
Omigod Neopets. I'm afraid to login and see "Sushi Frou-frou is dying". It's shame that is keeping me away from that site.

Anyways! Welcome, Bea. And greetings from Domino, the fluffy boy in my avatar.