That Treetop Life

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Junior Member
May 21, 2020
User Title Color Change (Seashells)
Hey, hello. You must be wondering who I am? Well, I'm sort of new, not really, but I was just born a couple of days ago. Well, hey look, get this: This weird blue-faced dude, you know, Hazel, just comes waltzing up with a couple of snowballs, and then bam! I exist! It's crazy, anyways, weren't they pale at one point? Doesn't matter, I'm just here to tell you about this crazy place. They call it Treetop, but I can't see very many trees. In fact, I can't really see much, can't even move really. Oh hey, those flowers sure do look nice though. Wish I could move though. Oh, Hazel, hi! I wasn't trash-talking you or anything. Whoa, hey! What are you doing, give me back that mic! Hey, don't make-

Partially melted snowboy

Okay, I think I'm back. Uh, so, apparently I'm supposed to talk about a variety of points the blue demon person- Hazel, Hazel! What Hazel wants me to talk about. So um, let's get to it then, I suppose?

  • The Campsite: The official island campsite is our island's first completed build, aside from the mainstream stuff like the Museum, Shop, and Tailor. From what I was just told, the campsite has an abundance of pumpkins, flowers, leaves, and trees. I can't really speak for what it looks like, but it supposedly has a small little pond and a bonfire, a great place for people to get cozy and eat some fruit, but no thanks for myself. I think I might stay away from it.
  • The Orchard: Still a work in progress, the orchard is a place where fruit trees grow. Hazel says there isn't really much to say about this one, but it'll definitely be worth taking a look at in the future. It's apparently, located right next to the campsite, to the left of that diminishing bonfire area I mentioned earlier. So I think that's still a no from me, heh.
  • The Neighborhood: A neatly packed area over by the residential services and the island's equivalent of Main Street. I'm actually pretty familliar with this area as it's where I was made! Oh get this, by the way, Hazel, made me perfect, on their first try! Like wow! That's so amazing, yeah?? Oh sorry, Hazel, I'll get back to the talking point. Around six or seven of the island's homes fit in this area, each with their own little yard and fencing to go along. The street paths look nice, but generally speaking, there seems to be a lack of appealing snow folks, err, I mean scenery.
  • Main Street: With no current plans for expansion, although Hazel seems to be thinking about it a whole lot, Main Street currently features Nook's Cranny and the Able Sisters. With loads of cool looking scenery, a couple of areas to sit, a small marketplace, and a DIY work station, it's most worth visiting. I was told to recommend it to you folks, with my own two snow feet- If had any, hah!
Some other things I was told to note: There is a pumpkin patch, but it's still being developed. The Museum is currently a work in progress, as is the land surrounding it. Some island homes currently don't have a permanent place in the neighborhood yet, and their locations may be changing somewhat frequently.

In other news, though, turnips prices have dropped pretty low, to an astounding 83 bells as of Monday, the 14th, 12:00 P.M. I'm not sure what any of that jazz means, but maybe it's good luck for the rest of the week?

It was also noted in the notes Hazel gave to me that the Island's DA will soon be updated, and I'm supposed to post that here as soon as it's ready. That seems like everything I was supposed to say, so yay! I did it! Do you think I did a good job, do you think they will keep me around? Maybe I'll be granted eternal life, like that one snow boy, opal? I think? Olen? Allan? Olaf? I don't remember, but that be super cool.

Note from the Editor and Island Representative Hazel:

Please know that Snowboy won't be returning for future entries of this journal. At the time of this posting, he is already almost a puddle. I fear that his life is rather a bit short, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may serve. My friend, and trusted partner, Goldie, will take up new entries following suit. Happy holidays!

Video Imagery:

Home and Campsite

