The Animal Crossing movie - So cute I could die!! o(≧∇≦o)


Sentient Potato
Jul 18, 2014

I watched the Doubutsu no Mori movie last night for the first time. I didn't know it existed until a short while ago. I wish I'd have known about it sooner! I really really want to talk about it

It is absolutely adorable! I love how they incorporated aspects of the game into plot worthy events. Fossils, pitfalls, hanging out at the roost. I'm a Wild World veteran, so the plot, characters, and music all really got to me. It was just a nice trip down memory lane with a new spin on it.
Also, Rosie (or Bouquet) is portrayed perfectly, just like I pictured in my head.

I understand a lot of you have probably seen it already, but I hope this helps a few more people discover its wonders.

Feel free to discus it if you've seen it. If you haven't, what are you waiting for! Go watch it HERE!
It's so funny that it was made by the same studio that did the Pokemon anime.
I wish they would make a New Leaf successor to this movie and actually dub it this time, I mean people would eat that movie up like crazy.
It's so funny that it was made by the same studio that did the Pokemon anime.
I wish they would make a New Leaf successor to this movie and actually dub it this time, I mean people would eat that movie up like crazy.
I absolutely adore it! All the villagers are so cute and well portrayed! Actually I have two of them in my towns (Alfonso and Rosie) and was planning on gettting Apollo and Whitney too! And I really like how similar it is with ACWW :blush: It's a pity it doesn't last longer...
Gahhh~ I remember looking for this movie in HD for MONTHS, wish I had the veoh link back then, would've saved me a loooot of searching ;n;

It's ridiculously cute adkgnasdg ;n;
It's so great! I was on the fence about Whitney when she first moved in, but after I saw to movie I was sold.

The ending is so perfect. It would be nice if they made a sequel...
This is already my favorite K.K. song, and the orchestrated version only makes it better.