The Animal Crossing movie


Duck King
Aug 2, 2015
So last night I decided to watch the Animal Crossing anime film with a friend. We both are huge ac fans and I think that's what made us enjoy it so much. It felt really well done, and I enjoyed seeing all the villagers interact. It made me think a TV series would have been great. (I know that idea is extinct now and would never happen) I'm curious on if anyone else has seen it, and if so what did you think? If you are a fan of animal crossing and want to see a movie that gives the same feel of the game I highly recommend it.
Me. After many years have passed, I finally re-watched this movie with my sister two days ago. I think it has quite a nostalgic feel to it, especially the all-too-familiar soundtrack. The movie seemed void of a plot, but I felt that it was done on purpose. There is no storyline to Animal Crossing after all. It was designed for you to play it in your own way, right? I think that is what I liked best about the movie. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Me. After many years have passed, I finally re-watched this movie with my sister two days ago. I think it has quite a nostalgic feel to it, especially the all-too-familiar soundtrack. The movie seemed void of a plot, but I felt that it was done on purpose. There is no storyline to Animal Crossing after all. It was designed for you to play it in your own way, right? I think that is what I liked best about the movie. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! I really felt that way too. It felt nostalgic in a way, and also very similar to the game. I don't know about you, but I usually get pretty attached to my villagers, so Ai feeling depressed after her elephant friend moving was something I could relate too. Obviously not as severely, but I have felt sad over a villager moving. It was cool that they showed some furniture and accessories from animal crossing too, since I could point them out and say hey I own that! I think they did a fair job on choosing what villagers to include too.