No. I don't need a source, it's common sense. It's just like all of Nintendo's current top games right now - Zelda, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Mario, everyone knows they're working on a main series game right now for each (especially Zelda because that's already been announced), because that's how game companies work.
They're for sure working on a main series game for each of those franchises. There's absolutely no way they're not. They're their top selling franchises, and to be not be working on a main series for any of those right now would completely screw that franchise over and would be a big waste of time, and potential money input, considering it takes a decent amount of time to create a new game. Just because they haven't announced anything doesn't mean nothings gonna happen, or that they aren't working on anything.
I never said how far along they are with development, they may just be brainstorming ideas, they make have actually started programming, or they may very well be a good 30% into the games development - that kind of info I have no idea on, because like you said, I don't work at Nintendo, or know anyone who does. The game could come out in 1 year, it could come out in 10, I don't know, and I don't know why you're telling me "do you have a source for this I don't want to get my hopes up!!", because I didn't actually give you a set in stone release period or anything, or anything to actually get your hopes up, I simply said that they're definitely working on a new main series title, implying that a new main series title would be on the way, and if that
does somehow get your hopes up, then that's due to your own fantasies, and nothing to do with what I posted. I never said it was for the Wii U, and I never said what year it would release in, all I said is that they're working on a new main series title, which they are, because when they announce the next main series Animal Crossing game (providing it's within the next ~5 years), I will look back on this post and smile about how I was right, because that's how long it would probably take for them to go from brain storming ideas, to a fully completed game, and if they don't release a new game within that time, then Nintendo are confirmed idiots. There's literally no way that could get your hopes up, because I never said how far along they were, or any other information that they're working on a new game, because obviously I don't know. For you to say that me simply saying "they're defs working on a game" is giving you false hope is pretty salty, and it's pretty obvious why you would say something given previous experiences. There's a complete difference between saying something about a certain game is "confirmed", and saying that a game company is working on a certain game behind closed doors - especially when it's a main title. If I was to say that they were working on another AC spin-off, then that's something to bark at, but a main series title? Come on, seriously?
To actually go as far to say that they aren't working on a main series title is silly, because anyone who knows how video game development works (or any kind of development really) would know they're almost always working on a main series titles for their most popular franchises. Most main series title are worked on for a good 1-2 years before they actually receive an official announcement, and I never said if or when they would announce it, so I don't know why you're asking me for a source, because it's very obvious my original post was written from an opinion of looking in from a development POV.
And as for actual personal beliefs not from a developers POV...
1) NL was announced 2 years after CF, and was released 3 years later. The E3 that just passed was only 2 years since NL, and considering that NL took 3 years to release after it's initial announcement means that NL was pretty early on in development when they showed it. I spoke more about this in another thread, so if you want to read that please click the link below;
2) The AC team would be pretty relaxed right now, if we
are going to
pretend they're only working on amiibo Festival and Happy Home Designer.
Happy Home Designer releases in Japan in just over a month, there's no way that game is still in development. That game is definitely 100% complete, and that I can assure you (and if you ask for a source then I'll ask you to head to Google and search how long games are finished before they're released). There's no way it isn't - so they're actually only working on amiibo Festival (and probably doing a
very small amount on HHD to test for glitches), and considering amiibo Festival is releasing in Q4 2015, that game right now would probably be around at least 70% complete, if not more. So what you're saying is that right now the AC team is only working on ~30% of amiibo Festival? I find that hard to believe. Not to mention that amiibo Festival has probably been in development for as long as Happy Home Designer (due to the die numbers and rock/paper/scissors hands on the amiibo cards when HHD was first revealed), so this isn't some ****ty, quickly thought up, last second, cash grab from Nintendo.