The Anmltown Chronicles


Retired Staff
Oct 13, 2005
Pear (Fruit)
October Birthstone (Opal)
Yellow Candy
Dusty Scroll
Ancient Lantern
Chapter 1

It was rainy and the weather was cold as I rode in the cab to my new town. I was being driven by a parrot named Kapp'n. He was quiet most of the trip. You see, I felt cooped up. I needed to get out of my house. My parents were nice but they were driving me crazy. One more day with them and I would have gone insane. So I packed up and escaped to the quiet village of Anmltown. It was supposed to be a small haven where you could have peace and quiet whenever you wanted. Little did I know that that was hardly true. I glanced at Kapp'n. I was uneasy because he kept staring at me. After a while, he asked me my name. I told him my name was Micah and I used to live in Michigan. He rolled his eyes then said "So you're used to weather like this all the time?" "Not really," I replied.

It was early evening when we pulled in front of the Town Hall at Anmltown. "So here we are", Kapp'n exclaimed. "Go in and talk to Pelly and you should be fine." As soon as I stepped out of the car, he drove away.I slowly opened the door to the Town Hall to see a young Pelican sitting at the desk writing. "E-excuse me..." I said nervously, "You must be Pelly." She looked up and with a twinkle in her eye answered "Yes honey, and what can I do for you today?" Her beauty captivated me and I could not speak. I was shaken out of this daydream by a shrill voice that said "Hey Pelly, get down to the Roost and get me a cup of joe before my shift!!" In walked a pink not-so-apealling Pelican. She didn't even look at me. Pelly shrugged and said "Sis, I'm trying to tell this person something." That's when the other Pelican looked at me. Her gaze was sharp and piercing. "So our town is getting more and more crowded. Sheesh! I just want peace and quiet..." And with that, she walked out of the room. "Sorry about that. She's my sister, Phyllis. She can be a bit harsh sometimes but once you get to know her she is actually quite nice." I found that hard to believe. "Well anyway, you must be Micah. I was expecting you. You came all the way from Michigan. Well, I better show you the map of Anmltown." She pulled out a map from behind her desk and handed it to me then pointed at a house. That's your house. It's rigth under Tom Nook's Shop and the Able Sisters. If you need anything else, I'd be glad to help." She winked as I left. On my way out, I noticed a turtle sitting in the back of the Civic Center, writing.

I had to cross a bridge to get to my house. When I saw my house I was awestruck. Not because it was big but because it was dwarfed by my old house. I went inside and the first thing I noticed was a cardboard box in the corner of the tiny room. On it was a lone candle. Well, I guess this was my new home.
Chapter 2

I decided to explore town next. As I left my home, I met a strange little raccoon with a blue apron on. "Hello. My name's Tom Nook. I own the store right to the north of your house. Are you the young fellow that was supposed to be arriving today?" I nodded my head. "Well then son, this'll be your new house. And I expect you have money for the payment. It'll be 19,800 bells." "Uh, bells? What are they?" "The raccoon looked at me, surprised. "Bells are our form of currency here in Anmltown. No bells, no house!" I looked at him astonished. What was I supposed to do? I had nowhere to live and no friends here in this little town in the middle of nowhere. "But I suppose I could let you pay off the mortgage of the house slowly. Take as long as you want. I know this house is not much but it will be a cozy place to stay until you are done paying. Oh, I have an idea! You can work at my shop until you can pay off the debt. I'll be waiting," he said as he wandered off. So there I was. A house, a map and a debt. I unrolled my map and looked at it. According to the map there was a Tailor Shop, a store, a gate where people could come or go and a Museum with a cafe. Not counting the Civic Center/Post Office. There were also three villagers in thre town. Their names were Teddy, Peewee and Pate. I decided I would meet them later. So, I grabbed my suitcase and headed off to Tom Nook's shop which was north of my house, less than 100 feet away. Next to it was the tailor shop.

I knocked on the door of the store and I noticed the sign above the door which said "Nook's Cranny". I assumed that was the name of the shop. I was greeted by Tom Nook when I stepped into his shop. "Now that you are working for me I need you to change into this work outfit. I can't have you wearing offensive clothes around the customers. Now go change!" I quickly changed into my uniform and presented myself to Nook. "Now my first task for you is to plant some trees and flowers around my shop. Plant them however you would like as beauty is in the eye of the beholder." After he offered these words of advice, I planted the flowers on the right side of my house. After all, it was really close to Nook's Cranny. After I finished landscaping I spoke to Nook. He told me to meet the townsfolk.

Once again, I used my trusty map to guide me through town. First stop was at Teddy's house. It was placed just above Tom Nook's shop. I knocked on the door but I got no answer, so I ventured around the back. An orange bear ran up to me and shook my hand with his burly paw. "Hello, and welcome to Anmltown. I'm Teddy and I'm glad to meet you! this is my house." "I'm Micah. I just moved in to the south of your house. Well, I'll be seeing you around. Probably later today." I waved as I walked away to see my next villager, Peewee. According to the map, he lived at the top of the town just across the river. I knocked on his door and was greeted with a loud "What do you want, lil' dude?" "Um, I'm your new neighbor, Micah. I just moved in." A black gorilla opened the door, inspected me, then slammed it. "Great. Now bye!" That didn't go over too well. My last villager I needed to see was Pate. Pate lived above the Museum. She wasn't home. So I explored town a little more. In front of the Civic Center I noticed the turtle I had seen in there earlier. I introduced my self. He said his name was Tortimer and that he was the mayor. Then he asked me who I respected the most. I answered that I respected the mayor. He laughed then said "Good! Good! I can you are going to be a fine one and will fit in very well in this town." I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around and saw a blue duck standing there behind me. "Hello. My name's Pate. You must be Micah, the new kid in town." I looked at her in surprise. "How did you know?" "She smiled then answered, "Word travels very quickly in this small town."

Once I was back at Nook's Cranny, Nook told me he had a special delivery for Peewee. "I suppose I'll put you in charge of furniture delivery for me. Get back here as quickly as you can and don't delay!" I delivered it to Peewee and he thanked me by giving me a snowboard. I smiled and left. My next task was to write a letter to Teddy about Nook's store. "And make sure it says something positive about me!" nook warned as I pulled out my pen. Here is what the letter said:

Most valued Teddy,

Don't shop at Nook's Cranny!
Nook will cheat you out of house and home!

Your new friend, Micah

I quickly mailed this letter at the postoffice and Nook was all ready with another task for me. "I need you to take this carpet to Pate. No slacking off!" I gave Pate the carpet and in return she gave me a bonzai. I said "Thank you" and went back to Nook's store.