The Bell Tree For Dummies


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2008
Sautéed Mushrooms
New Horizons Token
New Horizons Token
Winter Mittens

First of all
To The Bell Tree.

Recently around here, there has been a lot of spam, so to try and stop that, the members here have been making "Newbie" guides so I thought, instead of having all these seperate threads we could have one big guide for all you "Newbies"

So, now you're here, you might want to know What to Do.
Well you could start by actually reading the rules.

<big><big><big><big><big>The Rules</big></big></big></big></big>
1) No Spamming
Spam is considered a pointless and useless post, or a message that is posted just for the sake of getting a higher post count. Spamming will result in a warning. If spamming turns into a regular habit, the member will be suspended for some time.

2) No Flaming
Flaming is a form of severe arguing and is not tolerated at The Bell Tree. Disagreeing is fine, but it shouldn't get out of hand. Major flaming will result in a suspension, but the consequences will increase if it is continued. This is the same for breaking any rule.

3) No Swearing
Swearing is strongly discouraged and most swear words are filtered. The use of words that are filtered, as well as other minor swears, is not suggested. They are filtered for a reason and adding symbols between characters does not make it any more acceptable. Censor bypassing, or altering words so they aren't caught by the filter, is against the rules.

4) Prohibited Content
Users may not post, upload, link to, or e-mail any content that contains, promotes, instructs about, or provides prohibited content of the like listed below:

  • Content that infringes upon any rights (including, but not limited to, copyrights and trademarks)
  • Abusive, threatening, defamatory, racist, or obscene content
  • Viruses or any other harmful computer software
  • False Information or libel
  • Spam, chain letters, or Pyramid schemes
  • Gambling or Illicit drugs
  • Terrorism
  • Hacking or cheating for internet/online games
  • Warez, Roms, CD-Keys, Cracks, Passwords, or Serial Numbers
  • Pornography, nudity, or sexual material of any kind
  • Excessive profanity
  • Invasive of privacy or impersonation of any person/entity
  • Hacking materials or information.

5) Prohibited Topics
Some topics are not permitted for discussion in the forums because they may lead to flaming or insulting other members. Topics include:

Religious topics and beliefs with the exception of holiday and historical discussions
Sexual oreintation or any topic about sexual matters
Other controversial topics or topics that may result in flaming.

6) Respect
An important policy of The Bell Tree is to respect other people. You have all rights to disagree with someone, however show your disagreement in a dignified manner. This goes for giving advice to other members, rating signatures, or just a typical discussion in which you disagree with another member. You may give your opinion, but do it in a respectable manner.

7) Personal Information
Personal information is considered your last name, address, phone number, pictures of yourself, and other specific information. This content is not allowed to be publicly displayed on the forums.

8) No Double Accounts
All duplicate accounts are prohibited and will result in termination of the alternate account. If you would like to create another account, contact a staff member to do it properly. The use of proxies is also prohibited and can be easily discovered by an administrator. If you would like to change your username, please contact a staff member for information instead of creating a new account.

9) Report a User
If a specific user has said something that either offends you, is inappropriate, or is in conflict with the board guidelines, click the "Report" button that appears near the offensive post or PM. Sending a staff member a personal message in addition to this is suggested in emergencies.

10) Advertising
Advertising is allowed in the "Advertisements" board only when you have at least forty-one (41) posts. Advertising via Personal Message, no matter how many posts you have, is forbidden, and will result in punishment.

11) Common Sense
At The Bell Tree, we wish to give you as many freedoms as possible. However, we must state everything you could possibly do wrong will not be listed in these rules. We must ask that you use common sense to figure out what is right and what is wrong. If you have any questions about the rules, please send a personal message to a staff member.
Otherwise read Here

So you've done that, then what?
You need to head over to the Introduction Board and make a thread about you where other members can go to welcome you.
If you don't know what to write in your Introduction then you could use this form.
How you found The Bell Tree-
Anything Else-
If you don't want to include some of the above information then you don't have to, you can just use it as a guideline for what to put in your intro.

Done? Well now you might want to head over to "Dragon Flamez Newbie Posting Guide."

Don't want to go all that way and have to come all that way back? Here I'll quote it for you.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
-Because Yes, we need one.

1. Spelling and grammar and punctuation matter, whether or not you think they do. The smarter you type, the smarter you look, and looking smarter is BEING smarter on a forum. You can be the most brilliant person in the world, but if you type like a moron, that's all we see. It's ok if you make tiny mistakes, but we can tell if you're trying or not. PROTIP: Download Firefox. It has a built-in spellchecker that has personally helped me wonders.

2. There will never be a need to bump a thread at TBT. Ever. Nothing sinks to the bottom fast. If it's fallen after the first page and it has NO replies, that MIGHT be acceptable. But nothing is more obnoxious than seeing the word 'bump' in a thread 5 minutes after it's been posted. You're NOT going to get an immediate response.

3. In the spirit of the above tip, PLEASE. READ WHEN THE LAST POST IN A THREAD WAS. Necroing (bumping a dead thread) is frowned upon, because it means that the thread's topic has long passed. A week, a day, is acceptable. But a month? Five months? Don't post anything there. That's just annoying.

4. Post things in the proper forum. There should not be ANY grey areas, other than Off Topic and Brewster's Cafe. You're just being silly if you post a video game question in the Museum, and making more work for the mods and admins. Spend a minute or two to put something in the proper place. If you can't figure it out, put it in Off Topic. Someone will move it if it should be moved.

5. The difference between Brewster's Cafe and Off-Topic? Brewster's Cafe is a chat forum, with no post gain. BUT. It is NOT the place to spam, that's against the rules. You can just randomly chat, but don't make a thousand topics for no reason. It may be allowed but it's extremely annoying and that's not the way to get people to like you. Off-Topic is used for just general discussion, and these topics have more of a point. Threads will be moved from Off-Topic to Brewster's if they become chat threads.

6. Don't feed the trolls. They become stronger.

7. Please, please. I STRESS point 1. It really makes you look like a smarter person, and that just makes you more likeable.

8. Keep AC in the AC forums. That's what they're there for, and they consist of half the forum. Don't be greedy.

9. If you want to make a topic, please make sure that there's no other topics of the same subject on the first page of any forum. Posting the same topics over and over is just annoying. Likewise, if you take a lot of pictures in ACCF, or make signatures, just make a thread for them in the specific forum. It's a lot nicer on the eyes when everything's in ONE thread instead of a hundred.

10. Be nice to the furries and gay/bi people, they're everywhere.

11. Yes, I KNOW there's actually girls on the internet. I just say that because I have to keep up appearances.

12. There's an amazing new word called "you're". It means "you are". Your doesn't. So next time you're gonna say "you are", use "you're" instead of "your".

13. First impressions are important, because if you piss everybody off in your first few posts, nobody's gonna care what you say after that.

14. Believe it or not, "phail" is not a word. In fact, it's actually spelled f-a-i-l. Same with "kool". C-o-o-l. Who would've thought?

15. "Gay" does not mean dumb, stupid, childish, pointless, annoying, or anything like that. It means happy, or homosexual. If you call something that is not happy or homosexual gay, I will personally make your life here Hell.

16. I know they're there to be played, but please, don't use the forum games too much. They are fun, and I don't mind people using them, but when all the recently posted in threads on the portal are forum game threads, that's just annoying.

17. Commonly Confused Words on TBT
I've noticed these following words being mixed up quite a bit recently, and I'm here to help you straighten them out.

Board and bored: Board is a noun, usually a section of a forum, or a piece of wood. Bored is an adjective, meaning something dull or repetitive. It can also be a noun, but it means a dull or tired person or state of mind.

Teh and the: The is an article, used to specify a specific noun. Teh, however, is not a word.

To, too, and 2: To is a preposition, used to express a direction. Too means "also", or "as well", etc. 2 isn't a word. It's a number.

You and yew: You is what you call whoever you are addressing. Yew is a type of tree.

8. There are sig limits. Follow them. Or else.

Oh here's another little hint. See that thing I made there?
It's called a spoiler. I'm sure you're sat there wondering "Wow how can I make one?" Well it's simple.
Use this code below and insert what you want to where it says "Your Stuff Here"

[spoiler]Your Stuff Here[/spoiler]

Now you probably want to show someone your pictures?
Well, to do that you use This code.
Where it says URL here, put the image url.

[img]URL here[/img]

So, you think you're set to post.
Well use the information above and follow the rules and you'll be fine.
Hope you have a great time at The Bell Tree.

More info coming soon.


Stormcommander - The Rules

Dragon Flamez - Newbie Posting Guide
LOL ty but it isn't so much as a guide, more of a collection of guides and information.
anyone want to help by submitting information?
6) Respect
An important policy of The Bell Tree is to respect other people. You have all rights to disagree with someone, however show your disagreement in a dignified manner. This goes for giving advice to other members, rating signatures, or just a typical discussion in which you disagree with another member. You may give your opinion, but do it in a respectable manner.
THAT is something that is not being followed. Not my problem, but for mainly new members.
Yeah, I hoped this thread would show people the rules, because most people don't read them.
Hey thanks :D
It took me a while but I suppose it'll be worth it if it stops the awful spam.
Hopefully it does stop all the spam we've been getting.
Stormcommander should see this.
I has a thread on the intro board, you could put a link to it on the image bit. It has detailed instructions, good job anyways!
Thanks guys!
Please try to keep this high in activity, I don't want it to die so people won't see it and take note.
[quote="]I has a thread on the intro board, you could put a link to it on the image bit. It has detailed instructions, good job anyways![/quote]
We already have one newbie posting guide. We can't use too many, or the newbs will get confused.