The Bug-Off!


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
Title. I found it strange, that a dynastid beetle I caught yesterday got 58 points, and when I gave him a Darner Dragonfly, it got 73. How is a dragonfly bigger and better than a massive beetle? >_<

EDIT: Also, I just caught a Raja Brooke. Should I save and give it to him?
JasonBurrows said:
I caught a Cyclomatus and it was 91 points.
I know. I haven't managed to top it yet and it finishes in like a few minutes. You're gonna win my trophy >_< I got a fishing tourny trophy, I needed a Bug-Off one :'(
JasonBurrows said:
You mean, even though I reset, it's still there and winning?
Don't believe me? Come look.

"Oh, such a travesty this is! Admittedly, you have a fine Raja Brooke, but... I'm afraid that the glorious cyclommatus caught by Jason was more rare. I couldn't help but give that succulent cyclommatus 91 points."
I just caught a bee which was worth 77 points.
But I don't get why my darner dragonfly was 30 points and Bones' darner dragonfly was 70 points...
kiley-of-leafvill said:
A birdwing, 94 points.
I know damn right you did :[
I woulda won other wise.. Maybe.. Probably not. :p

72- Dynastid Beetle.