The Burping Beast: City of Freaks


The Magical Mermaid
Apr 16, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Blue Candy
Orange (Fruit)
As Claire sleeps soundly under the covers in her bed she's awoken by some thumping noises and clanking. Annoyed by the rude awakening she tosses her blanket off than walks out of her bedroom. In the kitchen there stands a big Bellehtor monster eating food from the fridge. She mutters under her breath "Oh my gosh, seriously?!!" The monster stops and utters a low growl as Claire is sitting against the other side of the doorway almost in plain sight. The horrifying thought that this beast can turn around at any second and see me, well he just might wack me with one of his tentacles if he's in a bad mood. Claire uses her stealth to crawl past the doorway towards the front door, she than pounds on the wall to grab the attention of the Bellehtor. "Gruuuuugh" he lifts his head from inside the fridge than moves towards to where he heard the noise. The Bellehtor faces Claire and stares at her directly in the eye. Claire opens the door wide and steps out of the way. The beast walks back into the kitchen to continue eating just than Claire throws an empty peanut butter jar at him. "Come on big guy!! She runs out the door as the Bellehtor begins to chase her. "GrAaAaAaArGh!" She climbs up the wall and onto the piller while the Bellehtor tries to grab her down "GET!! COME ON BEAT IT!!" she fends of the angry Bellehtor with her battle wand. The monster eventually grows tired and walks away. Claire climbs down from the walls and brushes some dirt off her sleeves. "That's quite impressive" She turns around to see the Janitor who is causally sweeping down the hallway "Oh, ello! I didn't see you come" she looks closer at the Janitor in shock "Your's huge!" before she can say any more the Janitor stands with his broomstick propped in front of him. "It's fine, Claire I don't mind it." he says with a grin on his face. "I know that this potion is only temporary so there's nothing to worry about" Claire replies saying "So you are aware of the message I am trying to send to these pathetic humans." Claire's expression becomes dark as she says that. "Of course I do and I will show this large belly with pride for you and the Burping Beast" says the Janitor. Claire thanks him and walks away. The sunset filters through the trees as the night comes to a beginning, the people of the city had started to mutate. There was no mass panic but the humans who were mutated raised a little bit of ruckus. The Janitor had started getting intense food cravings and uncontrollable belching along with a very few people despite dozens of people being mutated as the night went on. when all of the humans had gone to sleep for the night Claire, being a nocturnal mutant, transforms into her Bellehtor form while being in a monsters state of mind makes her way into the cafeteria and than opens the fridge. She begins to chow down on a heaping platter of chocolate pudding cake with vanilla icing. Claire releases a big belch as she devours everything in sight, just than someone staring in shock as the female counterpart of the Burping Beast is eating everything out of the fridge.