The Burping Beast: Lets Get Cookin!


The Magical Mermaid
Apr 16, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Blue Candy
Orange (Fruit)

It is a chilly spring evening, the sun has set as nightfall begins to approach. Outside in the nippy weather is Claire hanging out in the back alley of the dining hall. Her clothes are somewhat tattered and worn down. As she treks barefoot on the damp pavement with a scowl on her face she grips in her hand a suspicious looking potion. She reaches for the doorknob at the back of the kitchen from outside the alley. "Damn, it's figures" Just as she was about to pick the lock the door flies open and a jolly chef hums to himself in a happy manner. Claire quickly hides behind the door as the chef turns his back towards the garbage cans. He walks back into the backdoor and shuts it behind him. Claire exhales a sigh of relief and than she turns the doorknob once again "Heh, this time it ain't locked. How lucky am I?" she says with a cocky tone. Claire looks around as she realizes that she will get caught any second. She sees some aprons hanging on the wall so she grabs one and puts it on without a second thought. As she steps into the busy kitchen she walks over the the soup pot. Just as Claire is about to pull out the potion bottle from her pockets the Janitor casually walks past the kitchen on the other side of the counter but seemingly at a slow pace. Was he looking in my direction? she thought to herself. The Chef says "Oi quit standing around and get them fries outta the oven" Claire snaps to attention "Yes Chef!" She slips the potion back in her pocket, puts on some cooking mitts and grabs the tray out of the oven. She sets the tray out on the counter but hesitates wondering what she is supposed to do next. A waiter comes up and says "Thanks newbie, I'll take it from here. Bring these drinks to table 5 pronto" Claire smiles and eagerly takes the soft drinks over the table. She quickly pours the potion in each drink before she sets them down. A sinister smile spreads across her face as she greets the customers "Ello! I hope you enjoy your lovely beverages!" She walks back to the kitchen and goes into the freezer "Ooh, raw meats! That'll do real nicely! She pours the rest of the potion onto the frozen chickens and beef. "My work here is done...I should get outta here before I'm discovered" She exits the freezer than goes to take off her apron. Just as she reaches are hand out the pull the doorknob the head Chef appears "Stop right there!" Claire turns to face the Chef. A feeling of dread sweeps over her. Ugh I'm busted, she thinks to herself. Chef says "You there, come here!" Claire walks over the the Chef and prepares to get yelled at. "I saw what you did..."Claire cuts him of and says "Look, Chef, I can explain...I...I...was just.." The Chef interrupts "Explain what? I just wanted to tell you what a great job you did tonight, being your first night on the job, Well done Claire!" Her face lights up with happiness "Thank you Chef" She pulls open the door and leaves and than slumps up against the wall with another sigh of relief "Oh whew, he didn't see what I actually did. What a close call"