Cozi of Cozial Island ^o^

Hello Lovelies! I am on Central Time EST and on pretty actively. If I miss your post here, please feel free to message me otherwise personal message or visitor message. (✿◠‿◠)

Mayor Nia of Yoko | Mayor Korra of Kyoshi | Mayor Granger of The Burrow | Mayor Leslie of Pawnee.
You can follow me to the villager's house; Sometimes I'll ask you to run to the villager's house. It just depends on which town you're adopting the villager in ^o^ | Once adopted successfully, you can let me know here or on 3DS that you're done and I'll end for you.

5215-3088-0415 << Same as the one on my side bar but here it is just in case.

All Villagers are 15TBT
You can send payment ahead of time or after you've come to my town but please make sure you pay the same day.

✿ Marshal ✿
✿ Peanut ✿
✿ Static ✿
✿ Caroline ✿
✿ Hazel ✿
✿ Mint ✿
✿ Filbert ✿
✿ Nibbles ✿
✿ Poppy ✿
✿ Gayle ✿
✿ Wendy ✿
✿ Julian ✿
✿ Ruby ✿
✿ Genji ✿
✿ Chester ✿
✿ Marcel ✿
✿ Punchy ✿
✿ Kabuki ✿
✿ Rosie ✿
✿ Bianca ✿
✿ Rolf ✿
✿ Skye ✿
✿ Freya ✿
✿ Wolfgang ✿
✿ Chief ✿
✿ Diana ✿
✿ Deirdre ✿
✿ Zell ✿
✿ Bob ✿
✿ Kiki ✿
✿ Moe ✿
✿ Merry ✿
✿ Tabby ✿
✿ Leonardo ✿
✿ Bangle ✿
✿ Mathilda ✿
✿ Kitt ✿
✿ Biff ✿
✿ Curly ✿
✿ Truffles ✿
✿ Pancetti ✿
✿ Tutu ✿
✿ Bluebear ✿
✿ Pudge ✿
✿ Roscoe ✿
✿ Winnie ✿
✿ Gruff ✿
✿ Octavian ✿
✿ Amelia ✿
✿ Benjamin ✿
✿ Keaton ✿
✿ Shari ✿
✿ Renee ✿
✿ Cole ✿
✿ Snake ✿
✿ Al ✿
✿ Hans ✿
✿ Jeremiah ✿
✿ Jambette ✿
✿ Henry ✿
✿ Gigi ✿
✿ Puck ✿
✿ Roald ✿
✿ Jitters ✿
✿ Midge ✿
✿ Bud ✿
✿ Lionel ✿
✿ Bill ✿
✿ Deena ✿
✿ Yuka ✿
✿ Lyman ✿
✿ Limberg ✿
✿ Annalisa ✿
✿ Goose ✿
✿ Del ✿
✿ Molly ✿

Please feel free to leave a rating and I'll leave one back! I appreciate it so much ^o^
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