The City Folk Scouts!


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2009
Well, I got this idea from a clan I made on TTC awhile back and I thought it would be something fun for TBTer's to enjoy. So, here we go.

Welcome TBTer's to the new clan, The City Folk Scouts! In this clan, we will have meetings, events, giveaways, and 'camp outs' at night! You will be rewarded badges and ranks on this thread for doing reaching certain goals, doing certain tasks, winning a game, and just simply showing up to a camp out, meeting, event or giveaway.
Do not use foul language during meetings, events, etc.
No sexual talk whatsoever
Never disrespect the group leader(s) or members
Do not vandalize the towns we will go to for events, meetings, etc.
-^If you do, you will be kicked out of the group and one of us will reset out wii.
Always follow the rules for certain events, giveaways, etc.
I will only let certain people into the group, if you are rejected, don't throw a fit about it.
Have fun.
Now that that's out of the way, I'll talk a little bit about what we do at the meetings, camp outs, events and giveaways.

Meetings are held just to make sure you stay active in the group. Each meeting will be short since we will have more members than one town can hold. After each meeting, the group leader(s) will tell you what badges you have earned. Meetings will be held on a Saturday or Sunday after the events, giveaways and camp outs are held.

Camp Outs
Camp outs, of course, will be held at night outside under the stars. We will have various events, giveaways, trivia, and everyone will have a chance to tell a short scary story. There will be camp outs at different times and days to make sure everyone has a chance to come.

Events will be held at least once a week. These consist of: races, freeze tag, orchard wars, hide n' seek, and any other fun activities you guys would enjoy. If you have any suggestions for games, please post.

The group leader(s) will hold giveaways at least once or twice a week. The giveaways consist of: Scavenger hunts, trivia challenges, and just plain ol' giveaways to members who are following the rules.
Ranking system
I'm still working on the ranking and badge system, so I will edit this part later on.
Leader: Piranha325
Co-Leader: Hal
Co-Leader: Waluigi
1. Colm Fitzi
2. MattyofAlbion
3. Cheese
4. laneybaney921
5. fitzy
6. Brady
7. Draco Roar
8. smasher
9. pippy1
10. Pup101
11. Dylan
12. spector1

We are currently accepting: No one. All spots have been filled.
Remember, I will only let those with good rep into the group. I don't want hackers, scammers, or vandals joining and ruining everyone's fun. Don't be upset if you get rejected and don't flame the thread. I don't want it getting closed.
Cheese said:
Looks fun to me. Sign me up please!
Welcome! I'll add you right now.

@knight: Well, we have meetings then so I'm not sure if you could join.

@comptongnome: Sure!

@laneybaner921: Sure!

I'll update the list in a few minutes.