The Daily Feed #2


Mar 6, 2015
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Pear (Fruit)
Well, good morning for some of you and good afternoon for most. It's Sunday March 8th, 2015 in Mayotte and today is a bright day that is partly cloudy. Due to it being Sunday, Joan is out in my town selling turnips for 96 bells a piece so come and get them if you want them. In ReTail if you go back to the Daily Feed #1 those items are still for sell. The Gracie Grace store has the following items for today:
  1. Princess Bed - 96,000 bells
  2. Princess Closet - 216,000 bells
  3. Princess Chair - 144,000 bells
  4. Princess Lamp - 81,600 bells
I will be leaving my town gate open from 1:00pm to 6:00pm just let me know if you would like to come to my town and I will add you via friend code and allow you in. I'm thinking about selling items in the ReTail shop that are rare and hard to find but I'm debating on it since I'm low on funds right now. But anyways, that's the daily feed for today and have a wonderful day everyone!~