The Dentist :O

Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
I've had 6 total, including 4 molars. Once, I couldn't eat solids for almost a month. So, if you think you have it bad, think of me.

Oh, no, you don't want to go there

:p here's my dental history

19 cavaties fille
7 teeth pulled

All I can say is ow, ow and ow. :lol:
I've had some cavities, never had them pulled.

I have perfectly straight teeth, and I never had any thing in my mouth besides teeth and fillings.
Man i'm luckyt

:p no teath pull and no cavitys

but braces suck... >_<
I have a lingual arch or something...on the bottom of my mouth on the inside, and I'm getting braces in summer.
My teeth are reasonably straight even without any dental correction. Still... there are a couple on the bottom layer that get on my nears...

I think the worst thing that's happened to me is that I've had a tooth pulled. It was for the greater good, though.