Hello everyone. Divine E here. Most of you probably do not know me. I am an avid AC player, and would love to become an active part of this community. I own my own small community for Animal Crossing myself. On a site called Friendcodes.com, I created an Animal Crossing Group called The Animal Crossing Fan Club. It is currently the largest Social Group there with around 250 members. I then made a site for this group. However, it isn't doing so well right now. Hopefully things will pick up soon. I own the Original Animal Crossing for the gamecube. (even though Animal Forest released in Japan is the true first Animal Crossing) I also own AC:WW, and I have AC:CF reserved right now. I play AC:WW once a day, and I love the game. Also, some of you may notice my Avatar has Resetii with a Sombrero that says Estavan on it. Well, Estavan is my old Friendcodes.com name. I am now known as Divine E on there too. I am currently known as Divine E on all the sites I am on. (Except Youtube.) I have two youtube accounts btw. One is the one I had for my old Pokemon and Brawl clan, which died, unfortunatly. We had over 300 members. It was a promise of a site change that killed it. That Youtube account is http://www.youtube.com/user/TheElite4 My newer account is for the Animal Crossing Fan Club. http://www.youtube.com/user/ACFanClub Well, glad to be here. I hope I can stay active. :gyroidgrin: