The Diviner is here

Divine E

Nov 13, 2008
Hello everyone. Divine E here. Most of you probably do not know me. I am an avid AC player, and would love to become an active part of this community. I own my own small community for Animal Crossing myself. On a site called, I created an Animal Crossing Group called The Animal Crossing Fan Club. It is currently the largest Social Group there with around 250 members. I then made a site for this group. However, it isn't doing so well right now. Hopefully things will pick up soon. I own the Original Animal Crossing for the gamecube. (even though Animal Forest released in Japan is the true first Animal Crossing) I also own AC:WW, and I have AC:CF reserved right now. I play AC:WW once a day, and I love the game. Also, some of you may notice my Avatar has Resetii with a Sombrero that says Estavan on it. Well, Estavan is my old name. I am now known as Divine E on there too. I am currently known as Divine E on all the sites I am on. (Except Youtube.) I have two youtube accounts btw. One is the one I had for my old Pokemon and Brawl clan, which died, unfortunatly. We had over 300 members. It was a promise of a site change that killed it. That Youtube account is My newer account is for the Animal Crossing Fan Club. Well, glad to be here. I hope I can stay active. :gyroidgrin:
Oh yes, I nearly forgot. Who here has heard of MegaMushroom07? If you don't know him, he is a huge seeder. The guy hates me now. lol. He has been trying to seed me for months. Well anyway, I made a parody of him that you all might enjoy. I have another video making fun of him too on my TheElite4 youtube account. That would be my Animal Crossing edition of my webshow. Anyway, here is the link to my parody.
Welcome :)

But you might notice that your signature stretches the screen out. Can you make the width 570 pixels or less? =)
stormcommander said:
Welcome :)

But you might notice that your signature stretches the screen out. Can you make the width 570 pixels or less? =)
I'm sorry... I'll fix it soon. I didn't notice, thanks for pointing it out.
Bacon Boy said:
Welcome. And please accept this free invisible jar of air.
W00t! I've always wanted an invisible jar of dirt!!! I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! and guess what's inside it!