The Famous Mushroom Rage

That Marshal Fangirl

Aug 27, 2016
Snowflake Glow Wand
So yup there's a new collectible in the shop but most people including me missed out on it because it costs 350 TBT and only 50 came out today. So now I've gotta sit and seeth with jealousy at the people who have like 2 or more of them...
I'm just teasing :D Those collectibles have long been cherished. I still get messages from people asking me if I'd give them mine.
As I've said in the announcement thread, there will be plenty of restocks over the next few days and people will have lots of opportunities to get a mushroom. No need for any rage!
Gdi it came out when I was sleeping.... no restocks? ;___;

- - - Post Merge - - -

As I've said in the announcement thread, there will be plenty of restocks over the next few days and people will have lots of opportunities to get a mushroom. No need for any rage!

Oh yayy aha tytytyty
I'm just glad people can buy multiples

we can't have a limited stock item without the potential for someone to hoard basically every one, now can we?
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no mushroom rage, just mellow mushrooms here....

After months of not being on I came to buy the flowers and saw a pretty mushroom in the shop too, little did I know that it was a limited restock! I even had time to get bells out from my ABD :S
It upsets me a little that a large reason these are so rare is because people buy 10s of these things with the sole intention of making a profit off of it because of the short supply of them. Reminds me of the scalpers during the entire beginning of the amiibo craze when they were just coming out. People buying them out completely so that they can sell them at outrageous prices :(
It upsets me a little that a large reason these are so rare is because people buy 10s of these things with the sole intention of making a profit off of it because of the short supply of them. Reminds me of the scalpers during the entire beginning of the amiibo craze when they were just coming out. People buying them out completely so that they can sell them at outrageous prices :(

It happens with everything. I paid $60 for 2 amiibo. I was a little less salty about it later though, since they're both still hard to find, even after restocks... I doubt it makes a difference, but I didn't resell my extra mushroom for more than store price, and the person who bought it from me is gonna sell it to someone who missed the restocks, for store price as well :) I know it isn't as nice as getting a mushroom, but I'll send you enough bells, so you can buy one when they restock!
I have seen two users here selling them for store price; how nice! Go and grab while you can!~
I used to be a die hard collectible hoarder but it's been very hard to reliably catch any of the restocks in the last year or so, especially since they are often random and unnanounced. Not even checking every hour is a guarantee that you'll see one there.

I'm not feeling like I'm in a position where I'm legitimately angry more than just a tiny bit disappointed, but I do think it is a shame that cool new updates to the forum become something enjoyed by only portion of the userbase. Anyone who wants to enjoy new collectibles should be able to enjoy them, not just those who are lucky and get there at the perfect time. Not even that but new collectibles should be fun, not a sudden feeling of despair that it's another thing you'll have to buy of other users, or in some cases another collectible you may never get without having a fortune saved up.

It isn't like there is an advantage for more users being able to have a little mushroom icon on their profile. So why keep the stock so low and so limited for so many special collectibles? We already have things like the golden egg. I like the golden egg, because you actually have to work for it. These other "rare" collectibles are a lottery run which is fine here and there, but on such a large scale it just becomes frustrating.
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