The forum is now ready!


Retired Staff
Dec 19, 2004
Throwback Tickets
This forum was made by justin125 and me.


Join if you like it. there are special ranks and a lot of features planned.
We disided on Games and chat. but now we need a name. any ideas?
need any help? i'm good with codes and skins.
sure thing. we need a yellowish skin. so it can fit our banner. the ][/url]
I did not think we needed any help. I guess we do.
I personally liked this one.

I wonder what justin125 will say...

lets wait for his opinion. If he say's yes, then can you give me the
css and the header and body code?

html { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; } 

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</style><center><b>SV Orange</b> created by <b>Cortez</b> of the <b><a href="" target="_blank">IF Skin Zone</a></b></center><style type="text/css">

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header & body
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and i know how to get clocks and news boxes and stuff like that for your site

I like it too Zero. So I'll put it on.( I just leaned how.)