The Franklin Instute


Retired Staff
Jan 2, 2006
So today my family drove down to the Ben Franklin Insatute in Philly and it was awesome. It was pooring rain but we had fun. So I'm gonna tell you about it.

The Pendlum Stair Case
Yup you should have guessed it. A stair case with a pendulum. Of course this is the old thing where the Earth moves the pendulum and knocks down a chess peice or whatever it was every 20-25 minutes due to the Earths rotation. This is the enterence.

The Living/Health Room
No it didn't have chairs and stuff or a tv but more of health science. It had a walk-in heart, lungs and brain, a thing that tells your pulse and a few other neat things. It even had heart surgery video. :barf:

Ben's Bonstroli
Not sure what Bonstroli means but this place has good food! :yes: Basically your food court, nothing special.

Ben's Domain
This was the best room of the whole meuseum. It had a huge statue of Ben Franklin, Giant Doors like in the Wind Waker,

;) and more than half of his inventions. It also had a story of his life. This was a fantatic room!

The Electricty Room
Yup you get it the good ol' Key and Kite Expirment was here. Also along with some really cool things like lighting powdered whirlpool, solar powered keyboard and much much more. It even had it's own lighting cloud above you that when you went under your hair stuck up.


Teh Elevator <big><big><big>CLOSTERPHOPIC WARNING!</big>
The title speaks for itself. It's better to take the stairs here.


The Airrator Room
A pretty cool place. Many expirments that relate with mangetisum and air. It had it's own vitural reality Air-Plane game and a crash simulation. Also had a wooden teacher moving back and foruth and a paper airplane shooter. This place knows how to live.


The TV Studio Animation
This was a cool room to be in. It had a slowmotion affect thing like the old movies, a Nintendo game system thing to show how gaming works and other really cool things. I forget what else they had. It was a very small exhibit.

The Planetarium and Imax Thearture
Well than we went to the planetaruim which was cool. Espically when it got to the part when it mentioned the 9 planets. When the got to Pluto they had it explod. :lol: Everyone was laughing. It also showed us the planet was formed by exploding stars and how it was repeadty a barren wasteland with metors always struck. Than after a while they stoped and humans came.

Than we got to the Imax theature which was diffrent from King of Prussias. This one was above your head and when you were doing an above shot it looked like you were going to fall. So we watched the documenty Mars. It was about the rovers Spirt and Oprutinty and was pretty cool. _________________________________________________Well I can tell you I used the word cool alot but this place is worth checking out if you are in the area. So that was my day. Just felt like I should tell you and hope you learned somthing.


Err does this belong in Wishing Well or not?
That place was so cool. The heart was weird and I kept freaking out when I first went in it. The sports room was my favorite.
Yea the heart was awesome. The brain was a special so that's going away along with the Cartoon Animation.