The funniest message in a bottle you've ever gotten


Mar 23, 2014
So, who remembers the old bottle mail that you could send out, and find on your beach? I know I do. Have you saved the ones you got, or at least the good ones? What is the weirdest, funniest, coolest, or creepiest message in a bottle you've ever gotten in animal crossing wild world?

When I first played the game, I didn't have wifi, so whenever bottle mail would come, it was always a message that was programmed to show up on the beach once. I know, because I got the same messages when I reset the game and started over, multiple times. Unfortunately, I can't remember all of them I exactly, but I remember I did get a few love letters, and I was able to piece together which was to and from who, and try and figure out their story, or something. I also had a horoscope-type bottle message, telling me to shake all the trees in the town, or something like that (I was really young, and didn't quite understand what it was telling me).
I don't play WW anymore (but i still have the game), but I remembered "wear a hockey mask and run in circles on a lunar eclipse." lol
I had someone tell me they tried to confess their undying love to Tortimer through interpretive dance.
I remember this one I got and it said:
Why give a wooden box at the start? I mean, wait what was i saying?
Oh God, I didn't receive this one, but sent it.
I was grounded for a fortnight and not allowed outside to see any of my friends (IRL), so I seriously sent a message in a bottle asking for help to my friend who had WW.
I had no idea that it could wash up on some randomer's beach. XD
I also scrawled another very sloppy SOS onto a pattern and put it up for sale at the Able Sister's.
Keep in mind I was like 8 or 9. lol
I only got 2 messages in a bottle in WW, as I didn't have a WEP connection, but both were so rare. Maybe random?