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"The Funny Thing About Cancer" - laughter is the best medicine.....is it?

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So this post will probably end up disclosing some personal details about who I am in real life. I don't care, I have to get this out there, and get the word out, for one, and just ask for your moral support and just educate you about my friend's initiative.

2 years ago, my boyfriend got into amateur comedy. He performs at shows in the city, etc, festivals, and whatnot. Long story short, a good friend of ours, the owner of one of the comedy clubs, a guy in his late 20s, a very talented comedian himself and inspirational speaker, Josh Haddon, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Esophageal Cancer. We live in Canada, so we have health coverage here (no need to pull off crazy Breaking Bad stuff) and he has been traveling to one of the best Cancer Treatment Centres in the country for Chemotherapy, Princess Margaret Hospital, and in his experience, he found the waiting rooms were filled with outdated magazines and poor reading material. And its a morbid enough place as it is. So he decided to write a book - "The Funny Thing About Cancer" - to spread his humour and wit and give people in the HOURS of waiting something light but insightful to read, as they wait to have poison basically pumped into their blood that will by percentage chance potentially save their life, but also make them insanely sick. Leaving a sort of legacy - at least that is how I see it - post-mortem. He had me and a few others act as editors in the process, and it was submitted to the publisher for print this upcoming month. He has been booked already for Radio talk shows and even scheduled to be on Ellen to talk bout his book. But he was given some bad news about how he has been responding to treatment. He has 6 months to live, or less. Which would be hard for anyone to hear, never mind someone who has lived such a short life. But he has made a huge impact, and he his trying to make the best of his time on earth, and he has changed a lot of lives.

You can check out Josh Haddon on his website:
Learn bout Josh, read his blog, and preorder the book or make a donation, and read a sneak peek of the book.

Follow him on twitter:

Or check out the book: (Facebook page) https://www.facebook.com/TheFunnyThingAboutCancer
If you preorder it, he will ship you a signed copy as well as pay for shipping of a free copy of the book to a Cancer Centre (of your choice, if you know one, you can choose one). Or you can donate copies of the book to your local Cancer Centre (must be minimum of 5 copies).

This whole idea sparked when he began a YouTube blog (vlog) of his cancer experience.
This is a particulrly moving episode: Cheer Someone Up Today: http://youtu.be/Y--Rzdnd9Vc

Josh is the most real, legit guys I know. He is down to earth, likes beer and the Toronto Blue Jays, very talented, and it is tragic that his life is being cut short.

If you have played the game, Until Dawn, you will know the interactions between Sam and Josh, in a sense of how he confides in her, as a friend, over the tragedy of his sisters' death (but he is in no other way like Josh in the game) I can kinda relate to that. I at least relate to Sam..... and Samantha is actually my middle name. I want to sing a cover of Until Dawn's soundtrack of "O Death" (which is already a cover), dedicated to Josh Haddon.



I know its a lot to take in, and I am not asking for donations or anything. Or trying to publicize the book. I mean, that would be cool if you could spread the word and support the cause..... But chances are you have a cancer fighter in your life. Or know someone who died of Cancer. And Chances are you don't know who Canadian Comedian Josh Haddon is, but he is my friend, and he is young, and dying of cancer, and he wrote a book to help people dying of cancer through their struggle and make it less unbearable. Some bits are autobiographical, but some are self-help and comical, and Cracked.com has even offered to feature one part of it as an article on their site, "What NOT to tell someone dying of Cancer". He is scheduled to be on Ellen this October, as I said, but his health and other stuff with the directors have caused delays, but stay tuned.

Yeah..... that is all. Its hard for me too, but I am trying my best to stay strong for Josh.

Do I really need to bump this guys? I feel sad and almost guilty that I am.... This is not just me venting, this is me raising awareness.

Someone you know died of cancer, is fighting from cancer or is a cancer survivor, I just know it....

How can so few of you have so little to say? Or take interest in this very relatable human being that faces this very real struggle and is doing something inspiring about it even though it eats at him emotionally and mentally every day, especially since finding out all the chemo he has been through hasn't worked, and he has less than 6 months to live and there is nothing they can do.

As he said in the YouTube video I posted, its the pick me ups from "random internet people" like you that helped him keep fighting and not give up. Show Josh some love. I can tell you, where he is at right now, he could use it.

And Josh's message is to spread that love to anyone in your life who needs it. Not everyone is as lucky as him to open their inbox and get fan mail. If you know someone who could use that pick me up, help them, its free, and it will make the world a better place.
I had a grandma who died from breast cancer not that long ago. I was depressed for 2 weeks afterwards, but my parents and friends helped me get through it.
I'm so sorry to hear that, Josh sounds like an amazing person. Its horrible what him and his family is going through, and it it shocks me how he continues to be such a inspiration doing what he loves. Even though I've only heard of him, he sounds like a truly special and inpirational person, wanting to make people happy, being able to smile despite of what he's been through. We will win this battle against cancer.

There was this kid I knew when I was around 11, he had cancer and lived every day to the fullest, he was happy and still continues to impact my life.
My sister passed away a year ago, both me and her were diagnosed Cystic Fibrosis. It's not cancerous, but is a terminal illness. She was my best friend and is a huge part of my life. Seeing what she went through was horrible, but she still put a smile on her her face. I will always remember the last thing she said to me ' Do not worry about me, continue to be you and never stop. I love you, I will see you again'

My heart goes out to Josh, his family, and his friends.
I'm sorry, I didn't see this a first.

I can relate for two cases. Here's one that is much more personal.

My dads aunt; someone who was extremely nice to everyone and everything died of leg cancer.
No one talk once for a week. It always happens to the good people.
Do I really need to bump this guys? I feel sad and almost guilty that I am.... This is not just me venting, this is me raising awareness.

Someone you know died of cancer, is fighting from cancer or is a cancer survivor, I just know it....

How can so few of you have so little to say? Or take interest in this very relatable human being that faces this very real struggle and is doing something inspiring about it even though it eats at him emotionally and mentally every day, especially since finding out all the chemo he has been through hasn't worked, and he has less than 6 months to live and there is nothing they can do.

As he said in the YouTube video I posted, its the pick me ups from "random internet people" like you that helped him keep fighting and not give up. Show Josh some love. I can tell you, where he is at right now, he could use it.

And Josh's message is to spread that love to anyone in your life who needs it. Not everyone is as lucky as him to open their inbox and get fan mail. If you know someone who could use that pick me up, help them, its free, and it will make the world a better place.

Maybe people don't want to discuss about it. You need to post to awareness. They just read it and leave, That's it. Not a big deal.
Maybe people don't want to discuss about it. You need to post to awareness. They just read it and leave, That's it. Not a big deal.

Yeah, I agree.

Reading the post above acted as sort of a trigger for me, since I've had family members that have gone through the exact same thing.

"Someone you know died of cancer, is fighting from cancer or is a cancer survivor, I just know it.... " is a really insensitive thing to say, especially when some of us that are still coping with the death of our loved ones read it.

You should take into consideration that this is predominately a gaming forum, which is inhabited mostly by children and young adults. You shouldn't get frustrated just because nobody has decided to make a comment on such a sensitive topic - or plea, for that matter.
Yeah, I agree.

Reading the post above acted as sort of a trigger for me, since I've had family members that have gone through the exact same thing.

"Someone you know died of cancer, is fighting from cancer or is a cancer survivor, I just know it.... " is a really insensitive thing to say, especially when some of us that are still coping with the death of our loved ones read it.

You should take into consideration that this is predominately a gaming forum, which is inhabited mostly by children and young adults. You shouldn't get frustrated just because nobody has decided to make a comment on such a sensitive topic - or plea, for that matter.

Thank you.
This is a very sad story to hear. :( It's nice to hear he's making a book though to help make things more light. Philosophical-wise, it's better to know you might possibly die within a certain amount of time and be able to read a book like his to help lighten things up than to remain tense the whole time. Cancer is a very negative problem that the world is dealing with, and unfortunately, despite the money everyone's put into research programs, I still think we're a long way from discovering the cure to cancer.

I would advise though not to share things like this on gaming forums or things like that. It's sad to hear and good to get the word out about his book, but, like some of the people mentioned above, it can come across as insensitive since some people don't want to hear about cancer and death.

I will say though that I am a major Texas Rangers fan and have been since 2009.... if it's any consolation to Josh I hope that the Blue Jays go on to win the world series this year so he can have a pleasant memory to himself and others. (That's tough for me to say as well since they play against each other....) :)
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Yeah, I agree.

Reading the post above acted as sort of a trigger for me, since I've had family members that have gone through the exact same thing.

"Someone you know died of cancer, is fighting from cancer or is a cancer survivor, I just know it.... " is a really insensitive thing to say, especially when some of us that are still coping with the death of our loved ones read it.

You should take into consideration that this is predominately a gaming forum, which is inhabited mostly by children and young adults. You shouldn't get frustrated just because nobody has decided to make a comment on such a sensitive topic - or plea, for that matter.

Ugh yeah... My grandma died in May. It is Breast cancer awareness month, and I am wearing pink in honor of her (she died of this cancer) I don't know why people would like to discuss this very sad topic
(also this should've gone in the cafe?)
I'm so sorry to hear that, Josh sounds like an amazing person. Its horrible what him and his family is going through, and it it shocks me how he continues to be such a inspiration doing what he loves. Even though I've only heard of him, he sounds like a truly special and inpirational person, wanting to make people happy, being able to smile despite of what he's been through. We will win this battle against cancer.

There was this kid I knew when I was around 11, he had cancer and lived every day to the fullest, he was happy and still continues to impact my life.
My sister passed away a year ago, both me and her were diagnosed Cystic Fibrosis. It's not cancerous, but is a terminal illness. She was my best friend and is a huge part of my life. Seeing what she went through was horrible, but she still put a smile on her her face. I will always remember the last thing she said to me ' Do not worry about me, continue to be you and never stop. I love you, I will see you again'

My heart goes out to Josh, his family, and his friends.

My heart goes out to you, likewise. My university, and universities across the province, raise money during our frosh weeks for Cystic Fibrosis, for a foundation called Shinerama. All week long the students volunteer for BBQs, car washes and shoe-shining out in the community to raise money.

http://shinerama.ca - its a very good cause, actually, my "first date" so to speak with my boyfriend was at a Shinerama carwash back in 2008. XD We volunteer every year.

I have known one or two people with the disease. It is difficult to live with. I am very sorry :( Likewise we will fight for a cure!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah, I agree.

Reading the post above acted as sort of a trigger for me, since I've had family members that have gone through the exact same thing.

"Someone you know died of cancer, is fighting from cancer or is a cancer survivor, I just know it.... " is a really insensitive thing to say, especially when some of us that are still coping with the death of our loved ones read it.

You should take into consideration that this is predominately a gaming forum, which is inhabited mostly by children and young adults. You shouldn't get frustrated just because nobody has decided to make a comment on such a sensitive topic - or plea, for that matter.

I apologize that this was a trigger for you, but take for instance that "Cancer" was in the title of the thread - it was no secret what it was discussing.

MANY people on this forum talk about subject matters, and rant about subjects, such as psychiatric illnesses, suicide, bullying, relationship problems, family issues, etc.... And people post these topics with thread titles that are far more vague and almost "click bait-ey", that harness people's curiosity and can trigger people unintentionally. Please do not falsely accusing me of being grouped with such individuals. I made my topic clear, put it in the appropriate board, etc.

And for the record, I can track how many "views" my post has received. So the "people reading it and moving on" claim is a false one, when I basically know that myself and two other people were the only people to view it before I bumped it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ugh yeah... My grandma died in May. It is Breast cancer awareness month, and I am wearing pink in honor of her (she died of this cancer) I don't know why people would like to discuss this very sad topic
(also this should've gone in the cafe?)

Actually now that you mention it, this probably does belong in Brewster's Cafe. My apologies. I don't think I can switch it without a Mod's assistance. I will contact one of them.

- - - Post Merge - - -

This is a very sad story to hear. :( It's nice to hear he's making a book though to help make things more light. Philosophical-wise, it's better to know you might possibly die within a certain amount of time and be able to read a book like his to help lighten things up than to remain tense the whole time. Cancer is a very negative problem that the world is dealing with, and unfortunately, despite the money everyone's put into research programs, I still think we're a long way from discovering the cure to cancer.

I would advise though not to share things like this on gaming forums or things like that. It's sad to hear and good to get the word out about his book, but, like some of the people mentioned above, it can come across as insensitive since some people don't want to hear about cancer and death.

I will say though that I am a major Texas Rangers fan and have been since 2009.... if it's any consolation to Josh I hope that the Blue Jays go on to win the world series this year so he can have a pleasant memory to himself and others. (That's tough for me to say as well since they play against each other....) :)

I reiterate, the links and such I shared were meant to be inspirational, not insensitive, despite, yeah the truth as you stated it, we are seemingly a ways away from finding the cure we need, and cancer comes in all sorts of forms. It was meant to show a bright side of a cancer story.... even though Josh in real life, despite for the first year or so was battling like a rock star, making other people laugh, now it is clearly getting to him, and he is starting to isolate. Which might be good, might be bad, I dunno. Just remain within a small circle of friends and family for the last months of his life.
I apologize that this was a trigger for you, but take for instance that "Cancer" was in the title of the thread - it was no secret what it was discussing.

MANY people on this forum talk about subject matters, and rant about subjects, such as psychiatric illnesses, suicide, bullying, relationship problems, family issues, etc.... And people post these topics with thread titles that are far more vague and almost "click bait-ey", that harness people's curiosity and can trigger people unintentionally. Please do not falsely accusing me of being grouped with such individuals. I made my topic clear, put it in the appropriate board, etc.

And for the record, I can track how many "views" my post has received. So the "people reading it and moving on" claim is a false one, when I basically know that myself and two other people were the only people to view it before I bumped it.

True, but the thread title was completely click bait. When I first saw it my first reaction was to see whether somebody on the forum was making light of such a serious illness, since it piqued my attention.

You're completely right. People do discuss sensitive subject matters on the forum. That still doesn't change the fact that this forum's demographic is again predominately children, so only a minority of the users here would feel comfortable talking about such a topic.

What? I'm not falsely accusing you of doing anything. I'm merely giving you a reason as to why people may not feel as inclined to post a response to your thread. This isn't a personal attack.

I didn't even make the "people reading it and moving on" claim, but okay, I know what you mean.
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