The Future Of AC


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2008
I only came back today to TBT and found.... its not really a lively place anymore, everything is gloom and sad and comments of people no longer liking AC. Come on guys, maybe ACCF wasn't what it was all worked up to be but lets think for a second. The future is coming and so hopefully is a new AC. Okay here is the plan I want everyone to contribut 3 ideas at a maximun and I want a large discussion. Ok so I'll start us of. Ideas for the future:

1. Making a larger city where we are able to meet heaps of poeople making it a concept of a morphg. Lets call it a mall with arcade and shopping for now

2. Making new minigames which that can be played in the mall

3. Someone once said that the blocked house in ACCF was going to be a store you could own. Well why not make this true

Just for a last thing please can the next person go onto number 4 and so on.

PS: Speak your word to nintendo, sure you couldn't be lazy and complain for the rest of your life how AC is boring. But I still see life so send your letters to them, encourage them, like I'm enouraging you.
I can only picture them making a new Animal Crossing for a new/future Nintendo system.
I have an idea.
Have purchasable weapons, so you can rob the city, then jump into a taxicab and ride off into another city to repeat.

That said, I don't think AC is salvageable. Nintendo's just not going to take much of a risk because they're concerned with profit.
I'm just trying to make a bit of fun. What difference does it make I never said what console nor generation.
I wish you could swim into the rivers and climb trees. Stuff like that. Walking around is too limited in the AC games. It would be cool if there were actually separate parts of the town to explore. There's a lot of things they could do.
nephewjack said:
I have an idea.
Have purchasable weapons, so you can rob the city, then jump into a taxicab and ride off into another city to repeat.

That said, I don't think AC is salvageable. Nintendo's just not going to take much of a risk because they're concerned with profit.
I like your idea
*emails nintendo*
I wish for the future one you will be able to have girlfriends and kiss them and have babies.
Well the thing is that Nintendo does not want your ideas it says so when your emailing them look
At the text below the box when your typing.
Have shops in the city stay open longer.

Have the option to have a job, I think that would be cool.
You can look in other peoples mail boxes, like all the people in your town, but sometimes they catch you and get mad at you xD
i had alot of ideas:
1. new shops
2. new items
3. when you design something you can do it in different modes E.g. Umbrella veiw
4. More characters can move into your town
5. Lyle back in insurance, having his own office and not as crooked
6. Redd owning a department store which upgraded like nooks and eventually becoming partners,
7. more fruit and flower types
8. new tree styles
9. 'town creator' ability (pick where things go etc)
10. 'Missions' or little jobs which pop up (e.g. when you get lighthouse replace the bulb)
11. Kapp'n living in the lighthouse
11b. lighthouse enterable
12. forget the bus and gate! bring back the train station! fund donations can do more, eg. make town larger, get new buildings, ?statues?
14. You can get minigames through items: eg. Arcade game ---> Arcade machine... Darts---> Dart board
15. Elections more different mayors
16. Booker back to police station
17. more hats, as in instead of getting viking hat after design be able to get caps or somit
18. Back items like cape,backpack, wings, tails.
19. More emotes and be able to store more: e.g. 6-8
20. Get fat if you eat loads of food
21. Suntans!
22. more hairstyles
23. able to get- jumpers, jeans shorts, tops, scarfs, shoes/boots for both genders, instead of boring shorts, top and dress.
:] alot to write using wii-internet lol