The Good Visitor's Code


Nov 22, 2008
With everyone rushing to sign up to the 'no cheating charter' elsewhere in this forum can I suggest what I feel to be a more important code of ethics, namely how to behave when visiting another player's town.

If things like time travelling are considered to be cheating then surely visiting someone else's town and damaging their envionment, either deliberately or accidentally, should also be severely discouraged. Here's a few of my golden rules. Feel free to add your own or sign up.

When visiting someone else's town I will do my best to observe the following guidelines:

* I will try to bring a gift, however small (non-native fruit is always welcome).
* I will NOT run through any flowers.
* I will be courteous and friendly at all times.
* I will ask permission before entering the player's house.
* I will ask permission before buying anything at their Nook's.
* I will NOT grab fruit without permission.
* I will NOT teach their animals bad language or write nasty things on the message board.
* I will ask if it's OK to look around before charging off.
* I will NOT fish without checking first.
* I will NOT chop down any trees or pick up flowers or patterns.
* I will not leave without saying goodbye and thanking them for the visit.

Anything else? It's all common sense really but needs to be said as more people get ACCF and venture out via Wi-Fi or DS Suitcase.

Oh, and BTW.... *signed >.>
This is about the 5th contract personally i think there should be 2. One for not so strict and one for strict. Please stop making them In my opinion.

EDIT: Lolz i said 55th istead of 5th :p
What do you mean by " I will ask if it's OK to look around before charging off"
I really like this and think this should be one of the main one's....who cares if other people are trying to make one and fail epically at it...this is a win and I will sign.
I would never sign this, why is it so bad to fish in other peoples towns or go into their houses??? This is rediculous.
I don't think people should be expected to bring a gift. You open your gate because you want visitors not because you are expecting gifts! There is no harm in fishing either in my opinion... But I guess if you want to be polite you ask. I always ask permission for everything, not everyone asks me but I don't really care as long as he or she isn't doing something malicious in my town.

Well that's my opinion anyway.
tspenc11 said:
I would never sign this, why is it so bad to fish in other peoples towns or go into their houses??? This is rediculous.
Did anyone say it was bad? I just happen to think it's good manners and shows respect for your host's property.
youinspire85 said:
I don't think people should be expected to bring a gift. You open your gate because you want visitors not because you are expecting gifts! There is no harm in fishing either in my opinion... But I guess if you want to be polite you ask. I always ask permission for everything, not everyone asks me but I don't really care as long as he or she isn't doing something malicious in my town.

Well that's my opinion anyway.
My opinion also o_O
Gentlemens Agreement for Strict C word- stormcommander
ppls Agreement for not as Strict C word- Me
ppls agreement for not as strict C word - Bdubs
ppls agreement for not as strict C word - Mr Yippie
Wide Agreement for something C word - i forgot
and now this, it's getting boring.
Megamannt125 said:
Gentlemens Agreement for Strict C word- stormcommander
ppls Agreement for not as Strict C word- Me
ppls agreement for not as strict C word - Bdubs
ppls agreement for not as strict C word - Mr Yippie
Wide Agreement for something C word - i forgot
and now this, it's getting boring.
Jas0n said:
Megamannt125 said:
Gentlemens Agreement for Strict C word- stormcommander
ppls Agreement for not as Strict C word- Me
ppls agreement for not as strict C word - Bdubs
ppls agreement for not as strict C word - Mr Yippie
Wide Agreement for something C word - i forgot
and now this, it's getting boring.
It's a hard word to remember :mad: