The Hit Or Miss Gardening Technique!


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2009
Okay, everyone, Ben_Of_Twilight here! Ever wondered how to get that perfect town you always dreamed of? Have you spent HOURS looking for ways to do it, but haven't found any? Well, here is a method that actually works! NOTE: Before I start telling you how to preform this amazing technique, I must tell you: THIS IS NOT FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T TIME TRAVEL!!! THIS METHOD INCLUDES A LOT OF TIME TRAVELING!!! Now for the guide:

Here are the steps on how to do it:

1. Gather a LOT of fruit, this method requires a LOT of fruit, and you will probably want to go to one of your friend's towns to collect different fruit for this.

2. Dig holes in areas in your town that don't have a lot, or ANY greenery(flowers, trees) then plant the fruit, now, if you just planted a LOT of seeds, you're probably saying to yourself "UGH, it'll take FOREVER to water all of these!" Don't fret! Because here is where the method comes in!

3. DO NOT WATER ANY OF THE SEEDLINGS YOU JUST PLANTED. When you read that sentence just now, you must be thinking "THIS GUY IS NUTS! HE'LL NEVER HAVE ANY GREENERY IN HIS TOWN THAT WAY!" Don't worry! It'll all be explained in the next step!

4. Save your game, then Time Travel 10 days ahead(NOTE: this is the only amount of days that will work). Check on your saplings, you will notice that some of them died :( BUT you will also notice some of them lived, with no watering! That is why it's called "The Hit Or Miss Gardening Technique!" because when you Time Travel, and you don't water the seedlings, some of them die(miss) and some of them grow(hit!)

5. Repeat the above steps until you have your perfect town, it also wouldn't hurt to buy Tom Nook's flowers and trees, so you can get more greenery and that perfect town!

AFTER NOTE: You can ask questions in your posts, and i'll asnwer them as soon as possible.

AFTER AFTER NOTE: I'm not responsible for you messing up your town with this, you used it, and it's your responsibility.

AFTER AFTER AFTER NOTE: If you TT one day after you TTed ten days, the wilted seedlings will disspear.
Um... it makes no differance whether or not you water the tree saplings anyway...

Did you come up with this yourself, 'cos its carp
Yeah, it's a trick to not water them, then TT ten days, and some of them that weren't watered will grow, and some of them will die.

Um...I came up with it myself, I can't remember when I figured this out..but yes, I came up with it.
Ben_Of_Twilight said:
Okay, everyone, Ben_Of_Twilight here! Ever wondered how to get that perfect town you always dreamed of? Have you spent HOURS looking for ways to do it, but haven't found any? Well, here is a method that actually works! NOTE: Before I start telling you how to preform this amazing technique, I must tell you: THIS IS NOT FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T TIME TRAVEL!!! THIS METHOD INCLUDES A LOT OF TIME TRAVELING!!! Now for the guide:

Here are the steps on how to do it:

1. Gather a LOT of fruit, this method requires a LOT of fruit, and you will probably want to go to one of your friend's towns to collect different fruit for this.

2. Dig holes in areas in your town that don't have a lot, or ANY greenery(flowers, trees) then plant the fruit, now, if you just planted a LOT of seeds, you're probably saying to yourself "UGH, it'll take FOREVER to water all of these!" Don't fret! Because here is where the method comes in!

3. DO NOT WATER ANY OF THE SEEDLINGS YOU JUST PLANTED. When you read that sentence just now, you must be thinking "THIS GUY IS NUTS! HE'LL NEVER HAVE ANY GREENERY IN HIS TOWN THAT WAY!" Don't worry! It'll all be explained in the next step!

4. Save your game, then Time Travel 10 days ahead(NOTE: this is the only amount of days that will work). Check on your saplings, you will notice that some of them died :( BUT you will also notice some of them lived, with no watering! That is why it's called "The Hit Or Miss Gardening Technique!" because when you Time Travel, and you don't water the seedlings, some of them die(miss) and some of them grow(hit!)

5. Repeat the above steps until you have your perfect town, it also wouldn't hurt to buy Tom Nook's flowers and trees, so you can get more greenery and that perfect town!

AFTER NOTE: You can ask questions in your posts, and i'll asnwer them as soon as possible.

AFTER AFTER NOTE: I'm not responsible for you messing up your town with this, you used it, and it's your responsibility.

AFTER AFTER AFTER NOTE: If you TT one day after you TTed ten days, the wilted seedlings will disspear.
@The Famouse Fleep: Look at the bottom note for an answer to "B)"
you don't have to water trees for them to grow. =*( if you're looking to make a perfect town, sadly you're probably going ot have to lay out the 16x16 grids that takes forever unless you have some awesome memory i wasn't gifted with...

the easiest route into getting a perfect town is to have 8 perfect squares with 12-15 trees + 3 flowers (the least amount of flowers possible, and it's just easier to remember that all of your perfect acres are perfect the same way to reduce confusion) and having the rest of the acres decent by having 10-17 trees.

and the worst part about you going through all the trouble of this... is you don't ever have to water growing trees. =*( if you don't run over them and they don't grow, it's just in one of those spots that nothing ever grows because it's a spot reserved for fossils or events.
You don't have to water and they still will grow.
And this isn't a technique..
This is a lazy guy's way out of hard work.