total a-hole
The (In)Complete Guide to the Laser [V 1.2]
By Samuman (Fabio Biancarelli)
(Thanks for the banner, Flygon!)
Table of Contents:
Use Ctrl + F to find what you are looking for easier.
I: Introduction [INTR]
II: Terms [TERM]
III: Laser facts [LFAC]
IV: Techniques [TECH]
V: VS. Characters [VSCH]
VI: Videos [VIDE]
VII: Update, Changes, & Corrections [UCAP]
VIII: Closing & Information [CLOS]
I: Introduction [INTR]
Welcome one and all to my guide on Fox
By Samuman (Fabio Biancarelli)
(Thanks for the banner, Flygon!)
Table of Contents:
Use Ctrl + F to find what you are looking for easier.
I: Introduction [INTR]
II: Terms [TERM]
III: Laser facts [LFAC]
IV: Techniques [TECH]
V: VS. Characters [VSCH]
VI: Videos [VIDE]
VII: Update, Changes, & Corrections [UCAP]
VIII: Closing & Information [CLOS]
I: Introduction [INTR]
Welcome one and all to my guide on Fox