The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I look around in search of Kyon, worried slightly by the fact that I haven't seen him for ages when usually we keep bumping into each other. I'm probably over reacting, it's not like he has to permanently be near me. He's probably off somewhere reading. Right?
I smile weakly. ".... That's it..?"

.... I think, from our first meeting, a little part of me knew that he wouldn't come back.
... But to meet again under these circumstances.

I bring the box forward and stare at its lace ribbon.
"Anyways, shall I give you your job now or shall I wait until you act a bit more civil? I don't appreciate this attitude of yours."
Wait, I need to arm myself... I don't know what, but I just decide to find what I could.
I feel strangely curious about what is in the box, but I also feel as if I should know something I don't.
"..... Scott, a few years ago, I fell in love. He.... He told me that he would come back for me...."
I nod slowly. "... Yeah, he made me feel happier than I'd felt in a long time."

I take a deep breath. "Scott, h- he didn't come back..."
I hold my chin; thinking for a moment. Hm... with Orion gone, there's no one left to clean the room.

I clear my throat and say, "Remember the room we were in yesterday?"
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