Giveaway The Liar Game (tbt giveaway)


Senior Member
Mar 17, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Winter Mittens
Small Mailbox
100% (74) +

Part One: The Invitation​

One sunny day you're going about your usual routine, watering flowers, greeting the villagers, when you spot a strange balloon floating above you.


After you shoot it down and open the box you find a mysterious letter:

"To whomever it may concern,

If you're reading this, then congratulations! You are cordially invited to this years Liar Game.
The chance to win untold riches, generate fame, and make friends/enemies await you here.
Show the enclosed ticket at your local Train Station and enjoy a complementary Hot Chocolate on your way.

We hope to see you here,
The Liar Game Committee"


Well, you've never been one to miss out on a little adventure (or riches!)

Part Two: Arrival​


After you got off the train a peculiar character waves you over.

"Hello newcomer! Is this your first Liar Game?"

You nod agreement, and they look strangely pleased.

"Good!'s your Nametag please write your name on there, ah here's a pen as well, then head on over through there and pick a booth"

They gesture to a tall tent, like the ones you see at a circus, "the announcer will explain the rest soon."

You head in.

Part Three: The Choice​

You walk a narrow, dimly lit path along with a few other people you don't recognize. Once you take your seat a small screen lights up in front of you with, who you assume to be, the announcer on.


"I know what you're thinking, it's about time for some answers right? Well fear not! It is my job to explain the rules, of which I'm sure you will understand perfectly. You see, quite simply, there are two paths before you."

You notice two buttons light up just below the screen. One red, one Blue.

"One path Doubt, the red button. Another path Trust, the blue button. You are to chose one, push it and await the news. Hopefully good news haha!"

You look at the two buttons in confusion...

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I suppose you would want a reason to push one wouldn't you? Well here you go: Push the Doubt button and you instantly win 5 tbt! Not too shabby hmm? However, anyone who doesn't push the Doubt button...gets ZERO! No Prize! NADA! ahahaha..."

They seem to get lost in their own amusement for a moment,

"Then there's the Trust button. Push that and everyone who participated wins 20tbt! Four times the gain, I'd say that's a good deal"

A dark look crosses their face,

"of course, in a room full of strangers, can you really trust not one of them to pick their own certain gain?"

1.) Please fill out your Nametag! to do this, simply say Hello! or introduce yourself by posting on this thread.

2.) Please, no conversation past your introduction! I need a clean list of everyone who participates!

3.) After that I need you to send me your choice, Doubt or Trust? SEND THIS THROUGH PM!!

4.) DO NOT SHARE YOUR CHOICE WITH OTHERS!!! To keep in character, you all are not supposed to talk to each other (see rule 2) in here OR out of here. The game is not fun if you collaborate (๑◕︵◕๑) Of course I have no way of knowing if you have but...I think everyone on this forum is pretty honest and I'm trusting you!

5.) You have until MIDNIGHT (12am EST) to send me your answer...that's about 2 1/2 hours from now! Only the people who push a button within that timeframe get rewarded.

6.) I plan to do more of these games, the same and different kinds, so don't feel too bad if you miss it! ?˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖?

7.) I forgot to say, on my scouts honor, I will NEVER reveal your personal choice to others in this game! So you're safe to choose what you want!

(before anyone says anything yess this is a copied name from the Drama/Manga, and YES I know this was a psychological experiment that was done on people irl....I'm not super original but I hope yall have fun anyways)


Announcer: "what is this? Could it be possible...all of the people who participated....every one of them Trusted each other!" They shake as they put their head in their hands.

Peculiar Character: "could it be that humans can truly...."

Announcer: "no it's impossible. The next game will be different...I'll make it different"


Be on the look out for my next giveaway! Dunno when it will be but I'll try to come up with something cool to continue this series with! Have a good night yall, thanks for participating!!!!
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Hello! I'm Bailey, and this game seems really neat! I like drawing, and cats, and animal crossing. Thanks for having me!
Hello! The Liar Game sounds really interesting~ thank you for making this into a giveaway ^^
Hello! I am Lightspring! This seems pretty interesting! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Hi! My name is Jadeth, and I have an ugly dog. I'm happy to participate. :)
hello! this is super cool, not quite sure how it works but i'm participating :)
end results added to the first page after the Rules section!!! Thanks yall!!
Oh wow! That is amazing! These forums really are a collection of super honest people.

Thank you so much Penellope for funding and hosting the game. I look forward to your next one!
that was really fun, and when i saw the notification for the bells i was just like "dAWWWWWW" because everyone here is so sweet :blush:

thank you so much for the giveaway!! :)