The Light and The Dark


Senior Member
Jun 6, 2010

The Chaos Saga


One day, we will all have to make our choice. The choice that will decide who we are and what we do. The choice between The Light and The Dark. And when we make that choice. We're stuck with it. Forever.

Jordan put down his book and looked up at the sky. It was getting dark, and crimson rays of light streaked across the sky, as the sun slowly set and the night began to take the world. Sitting up, he stretched his limbs, and felt the wind brush against his brown hair. Looking in the direction of the village, he sprinted home.

Jordan eventually got home as the moon was rising. He walked along the road to his home as the cars drove by, the people inside tired from their day of work. Nearing his front door, he stopped one last time to look at the starry night sky, and then opened the door, heading to his room.

"Why hello dear!" Jordan's Mum said to Jordan as he flung his backpack into his room.
"Hey Mum. Something smells good..." Jordan sniffed the air, his nose directing him to the bowl of food in the dining room.
"Yum! Spaghetti and Meatballs." Jordan smiled and headed to his room to check his emails.
"Dinner is in 5 minutes Jordan." his Mum said as he walked past her.
"Dad coming home for dinner today? Or is work keeping him in again..." Jordan mumbled as he went into his room. His Mum didn't answer, so he assumed the latter was more likely. He hung his jacket over his chair, and logged onto his laptop.
"Let's see what's been going on today then." Jordan murmured to himself. He signed onto MSN, but saw that he had only one new email. Opening it, he smiled to himself and picked up his bagpack. He looked at his PDA and saw that today was his next midnight excursion.
"Dinner's on the table Jordan. Wash your hands first," his Mum shouted at Jordan from the kitchen.
"Kay." Jordan replied and sighed. Entering the bathroom, he quickly washed his hand. He then dashed into the Dining Room to get the first serving of Meatballs.

Meanwhile, at the KryosTech Corporation, Jordan's Dad marvels at his boss's brilliant ideas for new equipment. Body Armour, Weapons, even Jetpacks. The Boss, Damien Kryos, bowed to his employees, and stepped back into his office.

"So it has begun?" a mysterious figure mentioned to Damien as he walked in.
"Yes. I believe it has," Damien sat at his desk and smiled, "Oh. I believe it has."
Hey K.K.
Thanks :D
I gave up with Shadows coz not alot of people seemed to like it. Plus I lost all inspiration for it. So, I decided to do a new one :)
Cool story, I like it and hope to see more!

One thing, Prologue is at the begining of the story Epilogue is meant to be at the end, luckily I'm not an English teacher so I'll let you get away with it. (My English teacher would have you in detention for that simple mistake.)
Well, thanks for all the support folks :D
Alot more than "Shadows" got... :L
So.. The next bit will be written later this afternoon, after I have my 3 hour Product Design exam... Joy. So check this space for it :D