The Morpheus Journal

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Freshly Delivered Starlight
Jul 21, 2015
New Horizons Token
Welcome to Morpheus!
This quaint little town came into existence on the 19th March 2020. The first islander under the name of 'Em' moved in along with Renée and Sprocket! With high hopes and high spirits, the 3 islanders began their new lives.

Em has progressed quite far and their house became known as the... well, 'Spooky' mansion.

While the house is claimed to be 'unfinished' many sources (Stitches, who was curious about the smell of food from the back kitchen) have told us that 2 rooms appeared to be fully furnished, with maybe small tweaks required. The remaining rooms have been described as 'Work in progress, with quite decent progress.' by another eloquent source (Cranston, who joined Stitches in the quest to find the cake they 100% smelled).

The Island representative has told us that they had their first experience with town development back during what they described as 'City Folk' times. They had discussed their passion for their game and the ability to create a town of dreams. We were also informed that Em has spent most of their time in a town, having being selected as the mayor by pure accident! Em talked about their adventures and told us that they represented those times with a small tribute just east of their house.

They claimed they could not remember their previous native fruit but they expressed how that small tribute always brought a smile to their face. We had been informed this was the town that gotten Em into spending time with the community they discovered on this very forum! How times fly by, huh?

Next up, we have a secret location! We have all heard of the notorious Redd and many of us have been visited by the sly fox. We had been warned oh his shady business by Isabelle and Tom Nook, both claiming that Redd was known for selling fake art! Em assured us that the two of them knew each other for years now and they were almost like cousins! Upon seeing our worry due to the fake art rumours, Em has assured us that while some art may be fake, there was plenty of real art being sold too, and at an amazingly low price! However, knowing that perhaps greeting an old cousin could have made the rest of the islanders wary, Em decided to create a market made specifically for... well. Redd. They called it the 'Redd Market' and while they said they still hoped to get a few more decoration to complete the look, they were happy sharing the markets location with us!

We showed concern over the blue glowing rock but Em's reassuring "Don't ask. The less you know the better." really helped put us at ease! We showed interest in the art but we were told the art was simply not meant for us. Redd would visit our own place soon enough with wares to sell. When we later questioned the villagers about their favourite island spot, one brave cat (Ankha, who deemed the 'curiosity killed the cat' saying a simple exaggeration) told us the Redd Market was their favourite spot to hang out at during the evenings.

We then asked about a tour of the residential areas. It was split into two part and as we made our way back to Em's house, we were asked if we wanted to head towards the museum or the campsite first. The campsite was apparently finished so we decided to make our way there first. As we walked through this residential area, we were informed about how each islander had their own little garden. These specific ones had shared gardens and lived near the main hybrid breeding grounds!


We even got talking to another resident (Rosie, who seemed happy sweeping the grass), and we found out that each garden had its own little flower patch in case the villagers wanted to get into gardening too. She had proudly showed us just how neat her small garden was and announced that just the day before she managed to grow her own orange cosmo! We were a little concerned when she announced that she would stay up all night reading graphic novels as her and Em had talked about them a few hour prior to our visit. She assured us she would take a nice cat nap later after her daily Residence Hall plaza run.

We didn't take many photos of this residential area as we ended up getting quite lost in the maze on the opposite side of Cranston and Stitches' houses. The Bubblegum K.K. playing outside their houses made it into a fun little adventure. We did come across what appeared to be a small secret cafe right in the middle! We took no photos as we were informed that the area might be changing up soon, so we decided to come back when it was fully finished to see the new area! But that will come some other day.

We finally came across the campsite. Although there was no new visitors, we were informed that some of the current islanders had come to the campsite three times before they decided to move in! Em mentioned how they sent out a 3 letters specifically asking those villagers to come visit. Apparently, the initial location for the campsite was near a waterfall behind the Residents Hall, which although apparently quite pretty, ended up being quite loud. Em decided that a location near the beach would be much better. Plus the campsite visitors always seemed happy to share their food with Stitches and Cranston, who apparently had physics powers when it came to food.

The sign was apparently a small memento of a camping trip Em had gone on after their mayor duties had finished. They claimed that once they had the chance to live an island life, they decided to reduce their spending costs and find a home on this very island. We were told there were a few more items that had been brought over but they weren't quite ready to be shown off. While it is not pictured above, just east of the campsite entrance, is a beautiful shell arch leading to a small beach area. It does appear to be a a work in progress and we're looking forward to seeing it again!

Next up, the second part of the residential area! We had to return to Em's house then travel down towards the west.

This is where Em had their rose hybrid garden! The newest resident house was the first to appear and Em shared how they looking forward to giving the new cat resident some gifts. While their garden was finished, Em still wanted to make sure the islander felt welcome here! We continued on and true to previous word, we noticed that each islander had their own little garden and a nearby flower patch.

We were also told that while the residents were most active during the day, a lot of them appeared to be night-owls, always staying up even past midnight and enjoying midnight strolls along the island streets.

We even made a small stop for a quick cup of coffee!

The next area required going past the orchard that was stationed on the cliffs near the residential area. Em told us that they had no real use for the fruit so the orchard was cut off from all paths. While still accessible from the museum via a simple jump, the area was overgrown with flowers. Ah, as mentioned, the next area was just beyond, on the rocks behind resident houses and the orchard. Em told us it was a small fishing spot where CJ could host his fishing streams, and where islanders could enjoy some peaceful fishing or even a small campfire.

The area apparently needed a little bit more work but we already thought it was a nice hangout spot! Apparently CJ was usually found handing out near this location. What a coincidence!

Next up we were taken to the museum. We'll post all pictures at once then discuss a few things we noticed!



Now! The first thing we noticed was that the statue we saw at the entrance didn't seem correct. Em assured us that they bought a fake for the sake of decoration. While still on the hunt for the real version, there was also the need to find another fake in order to make the entry to the museum are symmetrical. To the right of the entrance, was a small bench we could sit at to enjoy the growing flowers and the warm night. In the middle, we curiously looked at the gap to find a pyramid! Apparently given as a gift from a seagull named 'Gulliver' that had crash landed on the shores of Morpheus a while back. Apparently there was no need to worry about that either as it was a common enough occurrence.

We were amazed by the T-rex that seemed to move when we walked past it. The various fossils scattered about also looked quite stunning. Em informed us that the fossil collection was complete in the museum, while the rest still needed many more donations, especially the museum! To the right of the building entrance, was a small reading area with it's own pillow and candle to cast a light. We also asked about the various stars scattered around. Em told us that after a trade, they were able to make their own nova light out of stars that appeared on the shores of the island after casting a few wishes!

Once we explored the museum, we made out way towards the 'town' area of the island. We were first met with what appeared to be a small stall market.

We were told that someone under the name 'Zucker' had inspired the very first stall market but after he moved out, Em decided to move the area but still fondly thinks back on Zucker as they walk past. Now we wonder if each area on the island will have an islander story behind it! While the market was quite nice, we were curious about the small carnival to the west of it. We were told it wasn't quite finished and would most likely end up getting move at some point. It appeared to look quite nice but we took no pictures!

The next area was a little stage for music! Em recalled a story of finding Stitches sitting there, turned away from the islanders who were exercising at the plaza, while enjoying a nice sandwich. Apparently Stitches was someone Em met during their days as mayor and had found when exploring so called 'mystery islands'! Talk about being lucky! The music area was apparently often frequented by Stitches, who claimed to like the comfy seats and the nice music. Apparently someone named Judy used to sit there with Stitches before she had decided to move out.


Slightly further down from the music stage was a snack area, so at least now we know where Stitches was getting his snacks from!
Next up we saw another house. Another islander named Invidia lived there but we decided not to explore the inside. Em told us this was supposed to be a 'murder mystery' house created for the sole purpose of having a small creepy touch to the island. The blood behind the house was a nice touch and we even thought we saw a real body but we were assured it was 100% fake! Phew what a relief! Even the 'help' written down looked so genuine! Even Em was surprised to find it there! We sure look forward to seeing the finished house one day! "Don't look forward to it too much!" Em joked with amazing seriousness! The attraction is sure to be a hit!

The second to last location we visited was the little park! It had a train set and a sandbox amongst other things. Em told us it was built for Tommy and Timmy to enjoy after working the whole day. The area was still a work in progress but we were told that it would definitely be complete b the time our next visit was due!

With that, it was almost time to say goodbye. We got to talk to the islanders (fact files will be included soon!) and we explored the unfinished areas. They were still very much works in progress so we took no photos but we're hoping to be able to fully capture the essence of Morpheus next time!
The final photo shows off the airport waiting area. It apparently needed a small shop or even a 'tip' stand! We took a picture of the area just before we left.

We even noticed a small gaming area in the back too!

That's it for now! Hopefully we will be able to update soon with new pictures from Morpheus! The island had apparently changed drastically and even after that, there appeared to be a few tweaks that had been made since. We enjoyed Morpheus, and we can't wait to visit again!

So that's that! I will update this '3rd person' journal once my island has developed a bit more. The next reply will be saved for islander portfolios. I will have a small file on islanders that have lived here and will try to update it as I go. I'm going to go in order of villagers I had and stuff. I will start showing 'move out' date as well starting from now since I don't remember when my previous islanders moved out. Also, I have used amiibos to move islanders out and to have have my more favourites move in, and have TTed to have them move in, mainly in order to be able to move the houses without having to wait. I have TTed on this island but for the sole purpose of getting some of the islanders and to get some furniture pieces from the shops (I'm still missing a ton though haha). I will also show how islanders were obtained too! (ive not bought any but a lot have been moved in through amiibos...)
Islander Fact Files:

Past villagers:

Current villagers:
