The New Turnip Market


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2005
Welcome to The Turnip Market!

What is the Turnip Market?
The turnip market is a thread where you can check to see who's Tom Nook store is buying turnips for the greatest price. If you find a reasonable price, contact that person and ask him/her if you can sell your turnips at his/her town. The turnip market will definetly get you some quick cash.

How do I know how much other towns are buying turnips for?
Well, if you want to see how much other towns are buying turnips for, you can look at this thread. I am hoping that I can get a listing of the ammounts of each town very day, so that you will have coverage all the time.

Nook is buying turnips for a ton! How do I let everyone know?
Simply post here with the ammount Nook is buying for. Please post your friend code and other info so that I can add you to the list in the next post.

When will this be updated?
This thread will most likely be updated every day with new prices. I will update the thread when I see that someone has posted their turnip info.

Why did the old Turnip Market Die?
I didn't have enough time to update the turnip market, let alone spend time on the internet. But now that I'm back I will be updating almost every day. If I cannot update any more I will ask a mod or admin or whatever to update the thread for me while I am gone.
Mark TERRABAY 5240-4674-5421
I have to get at least 300 turnips ever round.

Nook's buying turnips for 137 bells per turnip.
sweet, you're back in business. D:

yeah, i'll post my amount once i play today, i cant right now.

Nook's buying my turnips for 189 bells per turnip. Mind you it is just a Cranny.


Town: Solton
Name: Kyle
FC: 4553-4092-5118